subway stores in the uk cave to islamic demands..


Well-Known Member
i agree..if that is what you need, don't change it..i'm not trying to convert your just need to accept that that is your way, not everyone's AND there is another way..the bible is not the end all..that is the issue with those who follow the bible.

EDIT: you say same sex is a sin? who are YOU to judge? don't have to believe in it or like it but it's none of your (or mine) business what 2 consenting adults do in their own you get it?
Reply to your edit.

The bible pretty much expressly lists homosexuality as a sin. As well as many other things I and other Christians do everyday.

It's not my place to pick and choose what is and isn't a sin.

It's also not my place, nor anyone else's, to say which is worse, that same bible also says they are all the same in God's eyes, and all will be forgiven if asked for.

So, I don't get what your issue is. I'm not saying we should persecute homosexuals. In fact, I think we should let them marry. But I do have to acknowledge it as a sin.


Well-Known Member
Reply to your edit.

The bible pretty much expressly lists homosexuality as a sin. As well as many other things I and other Christians do everyday.

It's not my place to pick and choose what is and isn't a sin.

It's also not my place, nor anyone else's, to say which is worse, that same bible also says they are all the same in God's eyes, and all will be forgiven if asked for.

So, I don't get what your issue is. I'm not saying we should persecute homosexuals. In fact, I think we should let them marry. But I do have to acknowledge it as a sin.
the issue? there is no issue.. i believe that it's neither your place nor mine to i've said, believe in what makes you feel good about yourself, just know not everyone sees it the same way you do, nor should we be subject to it either.


Well-Known Member
the issue? there is no issue.. i believe that it's neither your place nor mine to i've said, believe in what makes you feel good about yourself, just know not everyone sees it the same way you do, nor should we be subject to it either.
Yeah, i'm not one to freak out because they don't force kids to prey to Jesus daily anymore and see it as an attack on my faith.


Well-Known Member
Do you think that gay people deserve death?

Romans 1:26-32

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Reply to your edit.

The bible pretty much expressly lists homosexuality as a sin. As well as many other things I and other Christians do everyday.

It's not my place to pick and choose what is and isn't a sin.

It's also not my place, nor anyone else's, to say which is worse, that same bible also says they are all the same in God's eyes, and all will be forgiven if asked for.

So, I don't get what your issue is. I'm not saying we should persecute homosexuals. In fact, I think we should let them marry. But I do have to acknowledge it as a sin.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Reply to your edit.

The bible pretty much expressly lists homosexuality as a sin. As well as many other things I and other Christians do everyday.

It's not my place to pick and choose what is and isn't a sin.

It's also not my place, nor anyone else's, to say which is worse, that same bible also says they are all the same in God's eyes, and all will be forgiven if asked for.

So, I don't get what your issue is. I'm not saying we should persecute homosexuals. In fact, I think we should let them marry. But I do have to acknowledge it as a sin.

Ahem...whatever happened to not being your brothers keeper and all that stuff? Sins are made up bullshit by control freaks that convince people they have god's cell phone number and are carrying out the big guys personal wishes. In order for a "sin" to happen, there must be a victim that has been demonstrably harmed. Just shave your palms and keep doing what you are doing, it is not a sin.

Let them marry?
Why would two gay people want or ask for permission from the other kind of control freaks (the coercive government types) to form a relationship? Any gay person that thinks they will acquire more freedom by first seeking permission from an "authority" has not thought this thru very well.


Well-Known Member
1 - make up a new God, distinct from the God of Abraham, with "loving??" attributes.

2 - Write it up and kill for it, in worship, of a fairy tale book

3 - bring death to your neighbors, the Pagans of Peace, so Islam will have blueprint

4 - make up Hell to show the cruel intentions of Power.

5 - toss into HELL, (unless they pay tithe...[and even then, it depends on the Pope]) gays, jews gypsies, militants, Jihadists, adulterers, none believers of every ilk, and the riff-raff and the dregs of society, of course.

6- bore or frighten everyone you can with the made up, not magic, just stories...the clap-trap above.

7- feel, act and look, sickeningly smug and horribly mind bound in Spirit Ego.

The killing of loving people for Scripture is the very definition of EVIL.

I call that Hitler's Solution, and in fact, it is.

The Good Book? What a sick joke.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Ahem...whatever happened to not being your brothers keeper and all that stuff? Sins are made up bullshit by control freaks that convince people they have god's cell phone number and are carrying out the big guys personal wishes. In order for a "sin" to happen, there must be a victim that has been demonstrably harmed. Just shave your palms and keep doing what you are doing, it is not a sin.

Let them marry?
Why would two gay people want or ask for permission from the other kind of control freaks (the coercive government types) to form a relationship? Any gay person that thinks they will acquire more freedom by first seeking permission from an "authority" has not thought this thru very well.
I think I pretty much just summed up not keeping my brother.

I can recognize that someone committed a sin. We all do, by Christian standards, commit sin every day.

So my recognition of homosexuality as a sin is nothing out of line, it is spelled out for the Christian in the bible. We all sin though. Homosexuality is no worse than over eating, being lazy, or any other sin. And i dont condemn people for it.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
The Bible says God will forgive me anyways.

Jesus thought to love thine enemy, if he striketh you, turn the other cheek...

And you went and wished hell upon me.

How is it that athiests like me follow a life closer to Jesus than his followers do?

If your too impatient just skip to the last 20 seconds, it pretty much sums up your existence.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I think I pretty much just summed up not keeping my brother.

I can recognize that someone committed a sin. We all do, by Christian standards, commit sin every day.

So my recognition of homosexuality as a sin is nothing out of line, it is spelled out for the Christian in the bible. We all sin though. Homosexuality is no worse than over eating, being lazy, or any other sin. And i dont condemn people for it.

Okay, in the context of Christian religion, homosexuality is a "sin". I see your distinction. However to try to extrapolate logic out of an illogical belief system is a circle jerk that never ends. So yes if you believe in the biblical nonsense, the loving god hates fags.


Well-Known Member
I think I pretty much just summed up not keeping my brother.

I can recognize that someone committed a sin. We all do, by Christian standards, commit sin every day.

So my recognition of homosexuality as a sin is nothing out of line, it is spelled out for the Christian in the bible. We all sin though. Homosexuality is no worse than over eating, being lazy, or any other sin. And i dont condemn people for it.
Only if you believe the BS.

Sin was all made up along with Hell.