Well-Known Member
Resoaking them...
Did the same with my Church.

Did the same with my Church.
wow. 2 weeks? have you ever grown sensi skunk?
What about oxygen? I've had seeds go anaerobic and turn to rotten smelling mush because the were setting in water too long. The paper towel contains sufficient moisture as long as its kept moist. I always just wait 12 hours after they sink to put them in the towel. the seed has soaked up enough to start metabolizing starches and begin cellular division by then.You ALWAYS soak until they crack, then if you want put the min the paper towel to get the tap root out a bit. I have had seeds from SENSI take almost 2 weeks to pop.
Im taking it when the trichs are bent and amber. If I dont take it shortly after that point, THC degredation will start.Unless you just can't wait I'd go much longer. Wait until the pistils have withered and the ovules have swelled then they'll be ready. Try it on a couple.