Suboxone; Bliss and then Vomit Hell

Interestingly something marketed to ween you of heroin is more addictive than the drug dependency being treated. Suboxone being a thebaine derivate makes it very addictive. Get in line to support the system I guess. Lol

Had a friend who was addicted to that rat poison. Took him three months to ween of. More than a year to feel somewhat normal. His drugs of choice was Suboxone, Xanax and amphetamines. He uses Kratom today but wants to quit that also.
I used Subs twice to get off the pills. The second time I got addicted to them and it was hell getting kicking. I thought for sure I had fried my brain. I couldn’t do anything for 3 weeks after stopping them. No energy or smiles for almost a month.
I have been through the opiate hell cycle of addiction and can confirm and correct several previous statements.. first of all, my backstory.. I started using Oxycodone and playing around with it to self medicate for a horrible anxiety issue. Started with 15mg of oxy a day and that initially was plenty to get me euphoric and have the opiate itches. After a little bit of time, your tolerance begins to develop and you go from 15mg to 45mg to get the same effect.. Not long after that, you start craving opiates to “make you feel normal,” and when that happens I strongly encourage you to seek out help and get on Suboxone and attend a rehab program and also some narcotics anonymous meetings ASAP. Get yourself a sponsor that can keep you accountable, because once you become physically dependent and get in that cycle of taking oxy just to avoid having a bad day aka “withdrawal” you are on the slipperiest slope downhill and things will either end up with 1) you being completely broke 2) you being arrested/legal issues 3) you end up dead 4) mixture of the aforementioned 3... in active addiction, there is no brake, and the addict will continue to use until physically impossible. Addiction is a chronic, progressive, and fatal disease if not addressed with an appropriate intervention (Inpatient Rehab & Suboxone). Anyways, I was up to 180mg of Oxycodone a day, doing it 3x a week, it was just enough to avoid withdrawal, and that costs about $1 a milligram, so you do the math.. unreal amounts of money..! I finally hit my rock bottom, got a DUI while high on oxy, went to rehab, got on Suboxone (Buprenorphine + Naloxone) sublingual strips that are placed under the tongue, initially I was prescribed 6mg/2mg a day (that’s 6mg Buprenorphine + 2mg Naloxone). The naloxone in the strips is only activated if the sublingual strip is taken in a foreign way (IV injection). People will break down the Suboxone strips and inject it, and when that happens the Naloxone is activated to prevent the synthetic opioid from working. Otherwise, I’d taken correctly under the tongue or inside the cheek, the Naloxone is not activated and the Buprenorphine does it’s job by binding to the mu-opioid receptors and stimulating them just enough to satiate the patients opiate craving, but it doesn’t activate them enough to produce a true euphoric effect like true opiates (heroin, oxy, etc) will cause. Buprenorphine has a ceiling effect, but even to the opiate-naïve individual it can cause them to feel nausea and vomit. I was on Suboxone for 6 months, had to change doctors so I lost my prescription for 3 weeks, so I underwent Suboxone withdrawal, which was horrible, but not as bad as Oxycodone withdrawal, anyways I got back on Suboxone (this time 8mg of just Buprenorphine and no Naloxone via the white tablets) after 3 weeks of clean time, and I took 4mg of Buprenorphine and puked my guts out for a whole day.. this isn’t uncommon and can happen to even former opiate pros like me.. Make sure to start very low dose of Suboxone, and dose yourself slowly over several hours. Look for common opiate like effects to see if it’s working (pin point pupils, not anxious, mildly stimulated, etc.). Anyone who’s never had an opiate problem or has never tried Suboxone (Buprenorphine) before, should definitely start with 1mg, wait 1.5-2.0 hours and then go up by 1mg. Obviously as a former addict, I don’t advise that people abuse drugs and should take them as prescribed, but I live in the real world where people will always abuse drugs, and likely will read this post to learn what the effects of the drug are. So for that purpose, I want them to be as educated as possible and as safe as possible. Suboxone works wonders for former opiate addicts and definitely replaces cravings of Oxycodone, heroin, etc. It provides energy and some anti-anxiety and anti-depressive properties to the patient who’s had an issue with opiates in the past. To the non-opiate user, it will make you feel extremely stimulated, itchy, nauseous, maybe sweaty, and a little euphoric. If you take more than 2mg at once, you will puke, and you will have a bad time lol. Be very very careful, and don’t mix any opiate (synthetic or non-synthetic) with Benzodiazepines (Xanax, clonazepam, Valium, etc.). Mixing with benzodiazepines is a quick way to overdose and die from respiratory failure. If you absolutely are keen on mixing, for the non-opiate user, mix no more than 15mg of opiates and no more than 1mg of a benzodiazepines.. this is a soft rule, but it could be too much of a combo for some, so proceed at your own risk. Again I don’t advise doing this, but I live in the real world where people do this shit despite the information told directly to them. So I’m taking to you bro, don’t do it. And if you do, make sure you have a friend around who’s not doing it, and have some narcan nasal spray around to wake your ass up and bring you back from the fucking grave! Use wisely by friends. If you really feel that you need these kinds of medications, seek out help from a psychiatrist and get a prescription.. they can at least give you a valid reason for having these medications and supervise your use. Good luck and Godspeed! Peace be thy journey. MW