subcool super soil

I am curently making this super soil recipe ,,,The best results we’ve had to date using a well-known commercial soil has been with Fox Farms’ Ocean Forest soil combined in a 2-to-1 ratio with Light Warrior. Used on its own, Ocean Forest is known for burning plants and having the wrong ratio of nutrients, but when cut with Light Warrior, it makes a pretty good base-soil mix.
8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil)
25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings
5 lbs steamed bone meal
5 lbs Bloom bat guano
5 lbs blood meal
3 lbs rock phosphate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup sweet lime (dolomite)
½ cup azomite (trace elements)
2 tbsp powdered humic acid

I curently have a perpetual cycle that puts 1 group of 3 plants in my flower room every week, Im making a half batch now of my super soil, Well i am waiting for my super soil to cure, I was going to run the groups in just my base soil of ocean forest and light warrior. Is there any advice anyone may have for me because i need this to work and be grade aaaaa+++, because im going broke!


Well-Known Member
Make sure you let it cure for a real solid 4 weeks... Try and hit 6 weeks though... It's awesome stuff. I'm runnin it my first time and it's doin great so far. But we've got a ways to go with it. We shall see how it holds up.
Damn for once I'm kinda stumped. I totally see what you're saying and your situation is a sticky one. I agree with your experience with the Fox Farm soils and Ocean Forest being a little off for cannabis cultivation. Do you have a stock pile of Fox Farm soil around your place or are you going to have to purchase it outright now? If you haven't already purchased a base soil, are you willing to look at other options? Are you a super soil only with no nutes type of guy? Ever tried Fox Farms Happy Frog? I know this is a lot of questions and I appologize, but I may be more help once I know a little more...

I just fucking puked! Subcools a great guy and all that but Im thinking Megan Fox's or Jlo's bath water might taste a little better, that is if you're into that type of shit... lol sorry the door was wide open bro...


It's early, spent the evening in the ER with my daughter (11month) and just sat down for a much needed oil session!
yea i want to use super soil only no nuts all the grow shops have ocean forest and light warrior , they have the happy frog stuff but on the high times web site they dident say much about the happy frog and i will prob have to add coco to my super soil mix because nether soils have the coco in it.
I would say Happy Frog is Fox Farms best soil, but it's also the least recognized. I grew in Ocean Forest a number of years ago with AN nutes and things turned out well, I just went the coco route instead. I grow in a peat moss, perlite, and coco coir mixture much like Sunshines Advanced Ultra coir both indoors and outdoors and always use a nutrient program. I understand the principle of Subs super soil and he has great success as do many other people who use it. I've just never seen better results than what I can get with a solid nutrient program with lots of carbs and sugars. Maybe that's it is I've just never seen it, but it very well could be more common than I origionally thought. How many Super Soil growers do we have out there and any pics? High Times is a great magazine but I would be wary of following much in it. The articles are always Hollywooded up and sometimes misinforming, but the pics are usually nice and always cool to dig new gear. Good luck in your venture my friend!



Active Member
I saw on the Weed Nerd that Subcool switched from Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy to Cutting Edge Solutions Sugaree as his carbohydrate source during flower
Lol Check out episode twenty four, spelled out that way... The mist! Pat the owner of the garden is quite the grower and runs a nutrient program similar to what I used to before switching from AN to Aurora. He really has that Raspberry Kush dialed in to say the least. My next room is going to mirror his, I've already got the table set up like that. Another Oregon grower representing the OMMP program! Kuddos to Pat and his garden of kush!



Well-Known Member
I make my own mix and have never bought a bagged soil. To me, it's a bit silly, especially with what FF cost.

Check the listed ingredients on FFOF vs the amendments you already have to make SS and I'd bet you are already 80% of the way to duplicating FFOF for well under 1/2 the cost.

I have my own worm bins, but besides that it cost me ~$60 to make 12cf (8 bags worth), of base mix.
