subcool no longer a part of riu?


bud bootlegger
his profile says he was just on today, so i don't know about all that.. :)

check it out, click on his name and go to his profile page.. says last activity was today..


Well-Known Member
He had a falling out with riu. He left. They made up their differences. He is back. Everything is all good.


Well-Known Member
watch the new nerd maybe....



bud bootlegger
lmao. There is no shortage of small sites like that is there.
that's for sure.. maybe their are less trolls over there, but that's probably b'cuz no one has ever heard of it, lol...

i'm being awful, i know, but you're right, there are tons of smaller sites like that around the net.. i was reading someone on here bitching that their thread have 200 views and not one reply yet, then i thought about how long some sites threads take to get over 200 views, and i lol'ed as it would probably take months to get that many...

he might have to deal with some jerks here, but at the same time he is reaching large masses at a time with each thread or post.. i know he has a huge following around here, and even though i'm not a fan, i'd hate to see a few idiots ruin it for those who enjoy having him aorund...
man, did i really just say that?? lol.. i do sincerely mean it though..

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I cant say i blame the dude for gettin fed up here ... at the end of the day he has a biznniz to run ... prolly the reason some breeders dont bother with sites like these.
5-7 years ago small sites were ok, some were like this one and grew pretty big. Now adays those lil fly by night sites are lame as the day is long, trolls are lower but so is the knowledge of the members. A few years back i joined a lil med site, was quiet and peacefull, but most of the growers were rookies and new med card holders, so most of the posts were questions and not answers. RIU needs to be a lil less lax with the rules.