Subcool is doing a radio interview today!

Matt Rize

Greetings old school organic fans. Matt Rize here bringing you the 411 on Subcool.
Today at 4 west coast time he will be on Cannabis Cuts radio show with DeeJay Wiid, Hosted by Pirate Cat Radio in San Fran.


20 minutes in Sub comes on

Subcool said "resin taco... pink resin taco", LMAO! Yes please! that's the best weed description i've heard in a long time.

HEY SUB: I've been using microbe lift for the gnats. Check it out. You will love it. Liquid and concentrated BTi. Super cheap.

Sub: How many pull ups do you do per session? I do 25 :) What do you bench?

Matt Rize

got the link up on the first post. subcool the non-stop promotion machine, lol. Still gotta love the guy!


Well-Known Member
Matt you have me there brother I can only hit like 20 on my first set and then like sets of 15 after that.
I blame it on being 50 years old though.

I am sorry I kept over talking you guys I couldn't hear you guys that well and kept interrupting I just cant stay calm when I am talking so please except my apology



Like many, many others, I have druelled over subcools's pictures and write-ups for years........awesome to be able to listen to the man as well..........

A man with an obvious gift and purpose!

Thanks Matt for the link ~ and a huge thanks to subcool for your lack of knowledge hording....

Peace fellas bongsmilie


Hey Sub !

Thanks for coming on the Show! Thanks for the all the love you have show the industry! Big Up to THE GREEN AVENGERS

Matt Rize

Matt you have me there brother I can only hit like 20 on my first set and then like sets of 15 after that.
I blame it on being 50 years old though.

I am sorry I kept over talking you guys I couldn't hear you guys that well and kept interrupting I just cant stay calm when I am talking so please except my apology

heh, Sub, we love ya man. You are the hero for us all, not a lot of integrity in our world, but you and Mz Jill set the standard. And I personally am popping some Jillybeans :) plus, I'm sure you bench and squat double what I do, I'm 135 lb rock-climber so pull-ups are my specialty. If I look half as good as you when I hit 50 I'll be surprised.

DeeJay WIID! Great to see ya!

POST EDIT: SUB! who is the breeder taking advantage of chem father's work? Not your boy alpha.. right?