Stupid Question


Active Member
Alright- I've smoked weed before, but never bought. I'm planning on buying 5 grams of NYC diesel from this kid for $100...Is this a fair deal? Sorry to waste your time with this potentially stupid question, but I am completely new to buying and don't want to get ripped off.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Alright- I've smoked weed before, but never bought. I'm planning on buying 5 grams of NYC diesel from this kid for $100...Is this a fair deal? Sorry to waste your time with this potentially stupid question, but I am completely new to buying and don't want to get ripped off.

seems a bit expensive but i buy in england and its about 20-25 pounds for 3.5 grams here on the street.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Any fucking guy that charges $20.00 a g for twistys should be a dead man.....Hash, yeah.....pot NO. Shit thats jail house prices. You should raise your arms & drop your're getting FUCKED & ROBBED..