stupid question but how do I do smileys with the spliffs and others


I'm new to the site so please don't get angry if its on the wrong forum its light hearted fun if people can ppost whatever they know on here that would be great ill just copy and past them after a bookmark haha thanks


bud bootlegger
click on the smiley's box above the reply box, once that opens, click on more.. this will open a new window that has more options for you.. :D


I can't get on it tho with my blackberry phone it crashes when I'm not on mobile site so if anybody could paste a couple of good ones for me I'd appreciate it a lot


bud bootlegger
you can also try using the tapatalk app m8... it's for forums like this, and i think you get the full on version instead of the mobile version for the site, so you should get all of the features instead of the limited ones like on the mobile forum..


you can also try using the tapatalk app m8... it's for forums like this, and i think you get the full on version instead of the mobile version for the site, so you should get all of the features instead of the limited ones like on the mobile forum..
Is that on blackberry app world??


bud bootlegger
i checked it out last night after saying this.. tapatalk doesn't support riu, or vice versa, either way, it don't work.. :(

there is an riu app for a buck though..