Stupid ? or not, Im not sure.


Active Member
So, I am gonna start sprouting seeds soon and I have read 2 different opinions on where to put the seeds. I like to put them in paper towels and then put them in a ziploc. After this is where the problem is. Some people say leave them in the dark and some people say a sunny window. Will the light help me get more seeds sprouted? and if so, couldent I use a CFL to sprout more of them, in a shorter time?


Active Member
I put them in a damp paper towel, fold up and stick in a clear jar with less than an inch of water in the bottom, then stick them in the dark, like a closet for 3-4 days then check them.


Active Member
Thats how I have always done it except with a ziploc and someone told me if you put them in the light, you will get more sprouts.


Well-Known Member
I put them between the paper towels. Then I put them in a small, shallow dish. Saturate the paper towel with warm distilled water and cover the plate with plastic wrap. Then I put it on top of the cable box which is always warm. I'm pretty sure that it's the warmth that makes them pop and NOT the light. Think about it. In a natural atmosphere(in the wild), the seed is buried in the ground, it doesn't get hit by light until it pops it's little head out of the ground. Same thing for the thousands of ppl who just bury their seeds 1/2 inch down in the dirt and water them. They pop and grow without ever getting any light. Just my opinion and the way I do it.


Well-Known Member
i put mine in a shot glass with water and used a coozie to cover it up with and sat it on the hot water heater and they popped in 24hrs


Well-Known Member
i put mine in paper towel..nd give wtaer the paper towle when it begins to get dry in 4-5 usually a inch tap-root as grown nd i stick an inch below the dirt....i like to germanate it first then put it in dirt...i usually then stick em in my windows sill when its light out...if im using it for an indoor grow i wait till there 10 inches tall..then place them under proper lighting...if there going outside i wait at least a month until there 1-2 feet tall nd stroong then place them in 5 gal buckets...usually get 4-5zips