Stupid MOtherf*cker

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Woah let's not take this too seriously..I'm also somewhat 'idiotically destructive' at times, and pay for anything I break. However, I would still like to think that I'm worthy of my friends..
I'm sorry I get pissed when I hear of good weed going to waste. I have the same reaction when I see cops with garbage bags full of beautiful plants and I know they are just going to destroy them.

I just want to know where they burn it so I can stand downwind. I just think it's a waste of perfectly good weed. I do take my weed seriously.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like my 17yr old. It took years of me saying things like "Dude stop scratching my deck with a nail"He was not mean or stupid (much) he was just inquisitive and not very aware once his brain locked in on anexperiment. That and leaning back in my chairs which he broke a million of but the fact that he leaned them on my walls which I paint was the tipper.Now here is the one I hate and I see people do it all the time. I grew up doing body and fender work with my relatives and was taught that paint jobs on cars are very expensive and time consuming. STOP leaning your ass against my car, DO NOT write in the dust with your finger.I`m so pissed right meow. 1 starred


Ursus marijanus
I'm sorry I get pissed when I hear of good weed going to waste. I have the same reaction when I see cops with garbage bags full of beautiful plants and I know they are just going to destroy them.

I just want to know where they burn it so I can stand downwind. I just think it's a waste of perfectly good weed. I do take my weed seriously.
I am put in mind of the closing scene of "Homegrown". cn


Well-Known Member
Part 1 of 8:


Enjoy. :p
SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET.. i seen this movie on tv a couple years ago i think.. badass movie, happy i finally know the name of it. thanks dudes

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol This ^^ hes one of the nicest people i know and a great guy. He just has adhd/is a bit of a pyro. He probably just thought the metal would heat up.

Obviously if someone does things like that repeatedly after i made it an issue i wouldnt be friends with them :P

And yah it was only an 1/8. I just hate to throw away this bud but it still smells like burnt plastic, lol and of course today i see an article about some kid dying from smoking K2 from a pez dispenser and getting fatal lung damage.
Well to me it doens't matter what kind of person he is, what matters in a situation like this is his reaction after the act. If you fuck a friends shit up, you jump straight in and offer to pay for the damages. So how did he react when you informed him that he had just destroyed your bud? I'm making an assumption in that he didn't pay you for it etc, else there wouldn't really have been a need to rant as you would have accepted that he made a mistake and repented for his sins.


New Member
Not a good friend, drop me, you'll be better off in the long run. Or like someone else said, make him pay for it.