Stunted growth.


I had my friend transplant my 10 day old plant while I was away for Thanksgiving and it hasn't grown since. He didn't transplant it right, most of the dirt from the original small pot is still in it so I'm guessing that when he did it the roots got light and they're really stressed from being introduced to totally new soil so I'm wondering now if I just leave it alone will it pick up again or will the stress from a mishandled transplant cause it to die? It hasn't grown at all since he put it in the bigger pot and the leaves have turned up a little..


Alright thanks for the response man. The stems are turning purple from the stress so I'm guessing that the roots definately got alot of light. But he says that they didn't. Anyway, I'll give it another couple of days and see if grows at all.


Active Member
are giving the plant food(Nutes) should be big enough by now to feed btw what soil did you use could have been to hot for them


I'm using half Fox Farm Ocean Forest and half Lil Warrior which is vermiculite and perlite. No nutes, theres enough for the first month in the soil. Its definately not nute burn, I definately think that the roots just got light and it stressed it. Theres hardly any of the soil from the first pot, it looks like he just pulled the plant out from the soil, roots hanging and put it in the big one, but he says he clumped some dirt around them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.