Stunted growth small leaves


Active Member
He guys , not sure what’s going on with my plants they are in soil get fed every second water , but the growth is stunted the leaves seem to be lighter green than usual and the bottom leaves going up look like this with almost scar looking marks


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Bugs bro ... bugs .

Grab some garden safe insecticide ( spinosad / captain jacks bug brew ) / FF force of nature or “ Garden Safe “ ( actual brand ) multi spray. Most are deemed “ broad spectrum “ killers and some offer fungicidal protection too.
Home Cheapo or Lowe’s if in u.s.
I know some people may disagree, but neem oil is your friend. Make sure it's diluted if you need to and make sure you don't spray buds, but get good coverage on all your leaves over and under. Disturb the top inch or so of soil too or use some kind of Beneficial Nematodes to kill the larvae. And get yellow sticky traps in case any have matured. Thrips are ASSHOLES to deal with.
He guys , not sure what’s going on with my plants they are in soil get fed every second water , but the growth is stunted the leaves seem to be lighter green than usual and the bottom leaves going up look like this with almost scar looking marks
It's got an infestation, looks like maybe thrips.
Don't forget before.

Before a grow. I spray the grow room down with some copper fungicide. Then follow that with AzaMax. At least two days before turning the light on. Pots get Azamax and some BTI before a plant is stuck in it.

If there's anything living in my grow room before a plant goes in it. I make sure its dead. If I get bugs. They came in after I planted.
Shit ... forgot my go too spray , SNS 209 .
That will put whammy on them.

Op whatever you do remember after harvest .... clean , clean , clean.

and DISINFECT and CLEAN and CLEAN literally EVERYTHING. Yeah, Budz is completely correct. They WILL come back if you don't.

To treat these things if you don't have any kids of oil or anything at your disposal right away:

"People try to shit on this recipe all the time, but 91-99% rubbing alcohol (half cup), mixed with some lemon juice/oil (~1/2 tablespoon), a few drops of dawn, a tbsp of neem if in veg, and (1/2 cup) warm water. Mist all over plant. It breaks down the waxy shell of most soft-bodied insects, then kills them."

Stole this from another thread on this site. Not sure how well this mix works, but it's worth a shot as it looks to be mostly all household items.