Stunned due to stupdity and listening to bad advice


This youngster was about three weeks young when topped her that wasnt to bad but I read post after post that said if your fan leaves are blocking undergrowth clipp em. Now look at her tiny. thick stalk but little droopy leaves. She wont snap out of it Im not comfortable w/ nutes her sisters are getting bigger by the day I trimmed half the fans on one and kept all of them on all the rest this one is the only one I cut all the fans off of. s there any hope for her?op 13 085.jpg


Active Member
there's still hope dude dont toss her yet she's just stunted from all the trauma, I like to cut back fan leaves to put more focus on a top or two but most of the time in that early of a stage the branches/ underneath will eventually pop out on their own in order to chase the light. You could try to give her some nutes @ half strength. When was the last time you watered her? She looks more wilted than anything. Another thing that may help a bit is LST - I believe if you split those tops she will begin to fill out more.


i gave her some 30 10 10 two days ago the top leaves are a little perkier so we'll see. I definitely dont wanna put her back under the knife so i think ill keep her in veg until something happens. Maybe I should put her in flower but all the stress probably hermed her out. FINGERS CROSSED


Well-Known Member
This youngster was about three weeks young when topped her that wasnt to bad but I read post after post that said if your fan leaves are blocking undergrowth clipp em. Now look at her tiny. thick stalk but little droopy leaves. She wont snap out of it Im not comfortable w/ nutes her sisters are getting bigger by the day I trimmed half the fans on one and kept all of them on all the rest this one is the only one I cut all the fans off of. s there any hope for her?View attachment 2894280
always hope, buddy.
back off on your watering.