Stumped--please help


Active Member
thank you for your help, how long til it begins to flower? just so hard to tell since im not growing inside and no in full sun i think it one month old not sure all picture online look diffrent to me


Well-Known Member
When it's outside it won't flower until the lighting is right. Depending on your location, that's some time in late July/early August. I don't think shade should change that.

And while it may work fine in bright shade, direct sunlight is always better. Even just a few hours a day would help a lot. Consider any other locations or whatever if you can.


Active Member
help can anyone tell me when buds should be appering my female has white hairs all over it is it pre flowering or flowering ????


Well-Known Member
It does look nice and healthy, but gives me the feeling it wants more light.

I have a new seedling with about as many nodes, but about 1/3 -1/2 the height.

How old is it?


Active Member
its grown 2wice as big lookin good white hairs everynode site.. wish i had pics but camera bit the dust


Well-Known Member
its grown 2wice as big lookin good white hairs everynode site.. wish i had pics but camera bit the dust
I'm in the same boat..I have a shade problem, but get a good crop anyway..They look pretty good. They will stretch a bit more than one would like, but you work with what you've got. Mine have nice small buds starting..I'm doing LST to bend the plant to get maximum sun..Depending when you started you'll harvest around Sept, Oct..Where I'm at the flowering starts fairly early...but that means some pretty big buds by harvest....I would increase the size of your plant pot though...I use a 10 gal pot and thats good enough for my usual 6 ft. plants....except old bendy....LUCK...good start


Well-Known Member
how many hours a day of sunlight does it get. seems a bit stretched,is it sativa. watch it`s not male they stretch more


Active Member
well i have been reading and this late into flowering it was not a good idea ... i would like to... i have increased sun to 3 hours a day when weather permits but i think it should be take another 2 months ... for a 1st grow attempt all u guys have really help w good advise thanks to all!!!!!! but i will post my finally pic of my buds hopefully there good


Active Member
help help i spayed organic pesticide on the female and now her hairs have turned brown /orange can anyone tell me what happened and is it a loss


Well-Known Member
you probably sprayed while in the light and it burnt them. should be ok though. once the flower has started i dont recomend any spraying on leaves. if you have to keep it away from the bud sites.

got bugs?


Active Member
little black bugs very small im just killing them by hand .. i dont know what to do i just trying not to let them get to the bud ..they are eating my big leaves. what do u suppose i do (anyone?????)