stuff on internet that can make me trip

the streeker1

Active Member
is there stuff i can buy on websites like that would actually make me trip like on acid or mushrooms besides salvia, and look at this website and tell me if i will really trip on anyof the stuff they sell cuz they sell allot of stuff that will aperently make you trip


Well-Known Member
its reasonably easy to extract the active compounds from mushrooms with some high proof alcohol.
After which it can be smoked for a high like DMT and salvia... lasting about an hour.

the streeker1

Active Member
but is there stuff on the internet that i can buy legally that will make me trip, i dont know much about the stuff they sell on the internet so i dont know if it will make me trip or not


Well-Known Member
its reasonably easy to extract the active compounds from mushrooms with some high proof alcohol.
After which it can be smoked for a high like DMT and salvia... lasting about an hour.
Have you done this? because its very difficult to get 4-ho-dmt isolated from the fungus to be smokable and not a goopy booger looking stuff. I am curious because I was told there is only one way to extract pure psilly xtals and I have never seen it posted any place on line. I had to ask an organic chemist and have the chemist explain how it would work. Its expensive to get the equipment.