stubborn seed shell

I don't have my camera connector right now so I can't post a pic but my plant is growing pretty decent right now. I have started it in a starter kit and it popped and is growing quite quickly with the first leaves already beginning to sprout. The problem I have is that the seed casing is still hanging on to one side of the plant.

Is this something I need to worry about or will the growing leaves eventually push off the seed casing and grow normally? Everything else is looking good this early.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to worry about unless it's preventing the leaves from unfolding. You could always pry it off.


Active Member
light misting it with water will help. you can also increase the humidity in the room ,or place a dome ( cut clear 2 liter bottle) over it.
Nothing to worry about unless it's preventing the leaves from unfolding. You could always pry it off.
I touched it with a toothpick and it just fell off. The leave probably would have pushed it off because it was just sitting there. Now the plant is fully exposed to my light. The way this thing is going the fan leaves will probably reach proper form by tomorrow morning. :)