Well-Known Member
good recipe shott2kill66
Cheers im doing some baking 2 night , Ive had my butter brewing all day , I,ll lets yas see what i cook , what ever cakes or cookies the store has stoner proof , Mybe a bottens cakegood recipe shott2kill66
I do this commercially, and there are several reasons to use oil instead of butter for that process. I personally recommend coconut oil. If you're fairly good with your hands, you can just stuff it in bit-by-bit with your fingers and the blunt end of a pen (that's what I do).
The link you provided was broken, but I hunted it down: Freds THC Capsules - Dedicated to Cannabis Education. Medicinal, Recreational, and Cultivation..Gamberro obviously knows whaty he is talking about.
You need to use extra virgin coconut oil for the best results.
When I make it, I use one of those syringes (no needle) for giving young children medicine.
There is a really good how-to thread on making THC pills here.
I've followed it, and it is a no-fail system.
The link you provided was broken, but I hunted it down: Freds THC Capsules - Dedicated to Cannabis Education. Medicinal, Recreational, and Cultivation..
The method was well-described and all-around well done. I would add that weed can be efficiently pre-decarboxylated in an oven at 150ºF for 30 minutes.
As easy as this .........HmmmmmmmmmunchiesOk so i Had some left overs and ive a friend who is a medical user for muti illness,s plus he also got addicted to his medication so now he cooks his weed for both his pain relief and to stop his cravings for prescribed drugs,s
any way heres what i lernt from him
How it works
THC is NOT water soluable, so it just floats in water but does not mix with water, thc however is fat soluble so the butter in the water will attract and hold the thc and will actually pull it off the bud, thc would rather be sitting in fat then sitting on the bud. So that's the basics.
Amount of weed to use?
When i was first learning how to cook I was reading american sites who can buy oz for 150dollars ... not going to happen in ireland. So basically you work out how many cookies/doses you want and go from there.
Two options for dosing
A) For recreational use (party etc)
B) I'm in serious pain but want to function (not much high)
A) If you are having 5 friends over and they are light smokers they would need about 0.2grams each ... If they are heavy smokers then 0.3-0.4gram per person. This is roughly what you would smoke over a night so it's not wasteful
So if you were having 5 light smokers over then 1-1.3 grams of cannabis made into butter would do. If they are heavy then 1.5 - 2.0g would do. If you having more over then just multiply it simple.
B) If you want to truely medicate yourself you have to work out your own dose. I make cookies which have 0.1g per cookie, and the patient takes 3-4 cookies a day depending on her pain level. This means that you do not get high from 0.1g but the build up of thc in your body keeps your pain level down and keeps you sleeping well. If 0.1g 3 times a day does not work try 4 times or try 0.2g x 3 times a day. Even doctors mess with medication till they get it perfect.
So for a weeks worth of cannabis it would be 0.35g x 7 days = 2.45g per week so lets say 3grams x 4 weeks = 12g (say 14g) per month so your looking at an ounce lasting you two months of medication. Which compared to prices of tablets is nothing.
Right now we have the amount of weed to use. Now how much butter to use. Well all depends on how much you want to put into your cookies/whatever. If you put in say 3grams into a pot and then put 30grams of butter into the pot then what your left with after will be around 30grams of cannabutter so that means 10grams = 1gram which means 2grams butter = 0.2g of cannabis so just get out your calculator at the end and write down the dosage.
Chop up your bud into small bits but dont blend it or anything like that
Put a LARGE pot of water on the boil and then reduce it to simmering level.
Put in your cannabis and your butter into the simmering water, at this point you can throw in any sticks/stems of cannabis or any leaf/shake cause they all have thc on them. So save up your stems.
You can leave the top off the pot to allow the water to evaporate, stir it about every 20-30 minutes but don't kill yourself trying to stick to this, if it becomes a pain in the ass to make it then your not getting the point of this. So just keep it in your mind and stir it when ever you can.
Some people simmer it for 30-60minutes and then complain that it was not potent, no effort = no rewards. So if you want the most potent shit ever then im sorry but 5-6 hours is absolute best ... 4 hours is minimum.
After around 3 hours of stirring you will see the butter changing colour, this is quiet noticeable(not hugely but you will know when you see it) and once you see this you know why the people that simmer for an hour miss out big time. It turns a lovely green colour and the fats in the butter start to loosen. At around this stage you can start to use the back of your spoon to crush the bud up against the side of the pot. The theory behind this is that you want to squeeze and loosen all the thc from the bud at this stage. and keep stirring regularly.
You will notice the water evaporates really fast so if it's getting a bit low then add in some more boiling water from the kettle. So now you know how long you have left say you want to finish within an hour then make sure you don't add to much water. It's just easier to try to predict the water level so that when your finished there is only about an inch of water left in the pot.
So now you have simmered down to an inch and it has been about 5 hours.
Harvesting Time
So get some cheese cloth or muslin, either ask your granny for some (they know what cheese cloth is I didn't) or go to tescos in town or wallmart where ever , if you can not then basically your just looking for material that
1) will not allow the bud to pass through it
2) Will not break with squeezing , coffie filters SUCK and just burst
3) is not too thick that it will soak up all the buttery goodness like a tea towel
So i'm sure a NEW pair of tights would do but I never tried it or know how much tights can take etc so maybe some input from the ladies on wither they would work.
Right so my technique is to get a pint glass ready, put the cheese cloth around the mouth of the pint glass and dip it into it so that it has a little bowl to catch the bud and then i put an elastic band around the outside of the glass so that I have two hands to pour. (if you have a friend handy then replace the elastic band with them holding it haha)
Take the pot off the heat and let it cool down JUST enough to not give you 3rd degree burns but still hot enough to hurt you a little haha sadistic but if it's too cool the butter wont be as liquidy.
Slowly pour the butter water through the cheese cloth and the hot butter and water will pour through the cloth, once everything is emptied into the cloth then hold the cloth and take off the elastic band. Now SQUEEEEEEZE that mother fucker, EVERY DROP. This point is where you can burn your hands a little so watch out haha. Basically the bud is still holding onto some thc so that is why you need good cloth, Make sure the bud is dry by the end
Tip 1) If you feel like the cloth is going to burst if you squeeze some more then do the last bit into a shot glass, that way if it does burst you don't wreck the pint glass of clean butter, if it doesnt burst then you have some more butter in a shot glass to pour into the pint glass.
Tip 2) the least amount of cloth that gets wet means the least amount of butter wasted into the cloth so try to keep it in one area, don't fold over the cloth while squeezing it cause your just pumping thc into the cloth. Think about what your doing and you can't go wrong
Tip3) IF you have used a good amount say 5-10grams then If you really want to get the most then once you are coming to harvest time on your first pot stick on a smaller pot with a smaller amount of butter in it and get it to simmer, after you squeeze the first batch dry then stick in the spent bud back into the second smaller pot and do another run ... DO NOT put this butter back into the first pint. Just like bubble hash you will have different grades of butter. The second one will be alot less potent but you will probably get an extra 10-20% but that is just guessing figures so just use more of the second grade stuff.
Next Step
Ok so now you have a pint of black/brown coloured water with some greeny/yellow butter floating. What happens is butter is less dense then water so floats on the surface of water. So if you have the time to leave that sitting over night in the fridge that is the best. If you are in a rush and want it that night then put it in the freezer.
In the fridge about 5-6 hours later the butter hardens on the top, the freezer is about 90-120minutes
I'll try find pictures later of what this looks like.
Now you want to get the water out from under the butter but not disturb the butter so .... Just like a shot gun with a smirnoff ice, if you want water to come out you have to allow air to enter. So with a pointy knife or thick needle or anything like that place a hole along the side of the glass and then right behind that at the opposite side of the glass place another hole. So that when you tilt the glass the manky water runs out from the bottom hole and the air runs from the top hole.
Once all the water is gone you have a thick layer of butter just floating in the glass, its an amazing sight haha JOB WELL DONE!!!
Now you just put the butter into ANYTHING that will have it, the thc has already been activated by the heat so heat is not essential but I think it is nice to be safe haha. But in tesco you can buy these betty crocker chocolate chip cookies and you add 2 table spoons of water and your butter and 10 mins later you have gorgeous cookies... MMMM
You can also have space toast, space brownies, space bread, space anything haha litterally anything that butter will not make taste manky (example cornflakes or something haha)
Right I will add pictures i just made some this afternoon useing 2.5g of bud steams from 2 plants and about a oz of leaf i had left over from making honey oil
Cooking/eating cannabis is 4-6 times stronger, you can take too much, smoking you can never really take to much but with ingestion you really can so never take more then 0.5 in one sitting.
If you eat on an empty stomach it hits you faster but munchies will be worse so try in the middle.
The earliest you will feel it is 30 mins, but you should give it at least 60-90 minutes till you declare it hasn't worked. But the minute you spark the thc will come on then and you will probably be more high then you ever have haha.
If you done it right then 0.3g will probably have you sooo feckin high for about 4-5 hours, smoking 0.3g id only be high max about 2 hours so clear your schedule
6 ounces! Wow that must be some strong butter. How long does it take to hit you.i use alot more weed.... a pond of butter to about 6 oz in a quart of water, 2 hour simmer, strain cool in fridge overnight, and viola clarified weed butter, only thc and butter fat solids. the water underneath is garbage
I stopped reading when he said overdose.They must of been big brownies u dont need no were near that amount ya can over dose eating ganja not suprised you were out for 14 hours lol
A good way 2 work it out is for every 100g of butter add 1.5g of ganja a bit more or less depending on how ya cope with ya smoke![]()