

just got started on the first grow and i have a possible problem. our grow was the product of one of those late night "i could do that shit" conversations and the seeds are just ones from baggies past so if i have messed this whole thing up no big deal. i sucessfully germinated four seeds and planted in organic potting soil. all was great and beautiful little seedlings came up. HOWEVER, when the seedlings came up the cfls that i ordered had not come in yet (4 42w 6500k bulbs). the seedlings grew straight up still looking for light and by the time i got light to them they were a good 4 inches long with small undeveloped leaves at the top. Can this streching be corrected before its too late?


Active Member
I know I saw on here somewhere that you could re pot them and bury the long stem to about an inch from the leaves. I've never done it but it seems logical. Good luck!


the part u bury will eventually sprout roots from it once it is moist enough, but be sure not to ever water, i'v had the problem plenty of times

Brick Top

New Member
I have done it, replanted stretched seedlings, and it is simple and it works. I planted them deep enough that only about one-quarter inch remained between the bottom leaves and the top of the soil so as much of the weak stem would then not have any pressure on it.
Then if the stretch had been caused by my lighting being to high I lowered my lighting. If that was not the case it was likely because I did not have a fan blowing on them and it is the swaying motion of winds that makes stems and tree trunks etc. grow thicker and stronger so with the lighting right and a fan blowing on them the new growth did not stretch and it was much stronger.
If you do not fix what caused them to stretch …. They will just stretch again even if you do replant them deeper.