Stretched Plant!!! First Grow Need Help Plz (pics)


Well-Known Member
this is my very first attempt on growing. i have read alot about growing before starting. i had germed 1 seed for 2 days and i planted the seed with the tap root facing down. i watered it. the next day nothing happened but i had to leave state for 5 days and when i came back it was like this. any help on how to save my plant will be greatly appreciated. ALL pics were taken with my cell phone. if u need better quality pics just tell me and ill use my moms digital camera. its dead right now.

FIRST PIC is a pic of the lights im using. i got those when i got back. wasnt using these in the very beginning.

SECOND PIC is of how i got my stuff set up right now.

THIRD PIC is of my plant falling over being supported by a fork.

FOURTH PIC is of how much my plant is actually stretched.

FIFTH PIC is of how close the lights are. just placed the lights there 2 days ago due to being gone.

any help on how to save my plant would be loads of pressure off me and knowledge for me to learn. THANKS ALL



Well-Known Member
means youre lights are too far away. Im doing something similar with a budget grow-op ive got my desk-lamps as close to the plants as possible. I was in a similar situation to you a little while ago. I would advise that you take a little twist tie to prop up the plants, but that fork may work just fine/


Well-Known Member
Thanks For The Help. Yea Im On A Real Real Tight Budget. But If Anybody Has Any Suggestions About Lighting Or Any Other Suggestions Please Fill Me In. I Currently Have 2 25watts Which Replace 1 100 Watt Incandacent Light. Do U Think This Will Be Enough To Start Off With For Just One Plant.


Well-Known Member
ok man

first you should get some mylar in that

just eat some chips and use the insides of the bags to line the grow box

second put the lights closer

try to get 1 or 2 more bulbs on the side even if they are small just so you have a bit more light

youre plants dying and stratching cause it really needs light


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys. i got 2 more lights. do u think this will work????

the first pic is of my 2 plants under 4 cfl's now. i use to have only 1 light. then got another. now i got 4.

second pic is of my stretched plant the next morning after putting the second cfl bulb in. it started growing a new set of leaves. now lets see what 4 can do lol.

third pic is of my 4 cfl's


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You should go to wal mart in the tools section they have perfect dome reflectors for the lights you are using. They are $5.49 each. You would be able to customize the aim to get all parts of the plant if you hang them by the cord and pass it through the handle which can rotate and hold position. I was able to sprout 10 plants with 4 26 watt cfls and no stretching. Your lights would be enough for the whole grow but it def wouldn't hurt to get more. check pics.



Well-Known Member
thanks man ill keep that in mind. but if im on a real low budget is there anything else i could use for reflection. Also how old should my plants be before transplanting them. because over at my dads house my grandpa has his own big ass greenhouse. n he barely uses it anymore n i was wondering if i could like plant the bigger stretched plant in there now????

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That,s the other thing I was gonna say. You need to replant that thing ASAP. As far the greenhouse, I would make sure it's okay with your grandpa. He could get in a lot of trouble and that thing is going to stink if you ever get it to flower.


Well-Known Member
yea i heard they start to stink. do they start smellin during the budding stage or during the vegging stage???? and is there a way i could decrease the smell. that would be great

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
you'll be fine for veg stage... but the greenhouse will be impossible to deodorize unless it is very small and/or there is a strong breeze going through ALWAYS.


Well-Known Member
alright man thanks alot for all your support. if theres any other advice u could suggest feel free to send it on over lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
There's just five things you need to do and the plant will grow. 1. Plenty of light for at least 18 hrs/day for veg, exactly 12 hrs/day for flower. 2. Proper soil with good drainage. 3. Correct amt of water with ph btwn 6.0-6.5. 4. Temps between 70-80 in day, 60-70 for night with proper ventilation.

They would also produce a lot more bud and better quality if you invest in some basic things like nutrients. Doing the whole thing half assed would be a waste of time because all you will get is crappy weed/ dead plant.

Also, check out the sticky in the plant problems section that gives all sick plant symptoms. You'll need to know them eventually.