Stressed seedlings, more likely to Herm?

My newest crop of babys got light burned by my HPS pretty badly from the time they sprouted up until about 1 1/2wks afterward. I have since backed the light off to where it should be. They are 3 weeks old now, and they are now starting to come back to life, and grow green and healthy leaves again.

My question is: Being that these plants where stressed out from the very beginning of their life, would they be more likely to turn Herm during their flowering stage, than a plant which had not been stressed at all during its sprouting stage like these have?

I really need knowledgable advise on this. Thanks fellow RIU'ers. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
If stressed enough at such a young age, a more likely outcome would be that they will be male. Hopefully not though, good luck.


Well-Known Member
no, it will not hermie. light cycle stress during flowering,genetics,letting it grow way too long and collodial silver are the things that make hermies. your fine