stressed out new grower looking 4 help!!!please!!!


Well-Known Member
amazon prime is great for equipment. otherwise htgsupply is decent and the ppl on the phone are very helpful with everything and they totally always know your growing dope lol.

everyone i know with bigger grows goes with 600w hps. 1000s work great but i like 600s because of heat issues. plus more lights covers more shadows. i prefer 2 600s per 1 1000. get a big enough air cooled hood with enough cfm of airflow your plants can touch the glass of the hoods and not even burn. find some good tga subcool strains, mix a large batch of subcool's super soil. use 10 gallons pots at least. grow your plants huge in veg. you can get several pounds from a single plant with the right strain and proper condition. super soil will make your work will be much easier. you can still add concentrate nutrients if needed and with caution. just watch out for cops and robbers. dont tell anyone about it. if your gonna be smuggling the stuff you might as well do it out of state. better off to go to federal prison than state in most cases.


Well-Known Member
"THC Bomb if pruned right"
Screaming Trees, I've got some THC Bombs vegging, what recommendations can you share?

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Lil herb, you're a cool guy. I'll take your $7k. Lol...i'm in DC and you're in Chicago.
check my site and pm me, and I'll advise you wisely, friend.

Screaming trees

Well-Known Member
"THC Bomb if pruned right"
Screaming Trees, I've got some THC Bombs vegging, what recommendations can you share?
Out of the ten phenos I had they all were awesome. But 8 out of ten seem to do smaller popcorn buds that I don't like. And they were more bushy so I kept the two phenos that grew more tree like and I just topped more areas. I top my 2 THC Bomb's 8 times before I release them to 12/12. I don't know exactly what phenos your working with but if they're bushy then all I can say is let her do her thing. She still won't disappoint.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I would start reading and learning and get a small grow going before you invest and waste all your money into it, you can get it all going for alot less then that but it really depends on what you want, or how you want it to be setup, if you don't know I would suggest finding someone that you can pay that actually knows what they are doing, go from other customers or referrals you could probably pay them $500-1000 to build you out a nice room and probably could get it going, then just pay him if he is going to keep doing it, or whatever you work out, learning takes alot of time and you won't do 5 pounds probably for a while unless you know what your doing or have alot of plants but then it's not always profitable. good luck.