Stress! how do u deal with it?

Personally, I don't like using weed to escape stress. Deal with your problems, or disregard them as no longer being problems. Then smoke da ganja. SO nice :).
I go to my room. Turn on my music. Have a smoke and lay on my bed. Music is great for releiving stress. As is weed. The both combined work great.
Yeah true that. Punching the shit out of the punching bag takes away a lot of stress. And of course, a fat bong bowel is even better:hump:
i wish i was more like this. I find my stress is more emotional and mental and cant get rid of it with "punching the shit of something". Your lucky.
sex....weed...more sex....more weed....then...more sex again..... and more weed again.....then.....what was I doing??*t its back to square weed.....more sex... then more weed..... and on and on....
i wish i was more like this. I find my stress is more emotional and mental and cant get rid of it with "punching the shit of something". Your lucky.
im the same way i cant enjoy a good smoke with a lot of stress i just lost my girl and she wont let me see my son
I dont hang around drama queens. Be that female or male. There are always people who like to start shit just because they are socially inept, and no one pays attention to them. I.E. New years eve party, my friends girlfriend has no social skills whatsoever. I KNEW that before the night begin she was going to start some bullshit of some kind. She cant even have a conversation with people she dosent know. So she spends the whole night on her cell phone. Then around 11 pm she is in the kitchen crying because her "aunt", and it wasnt really her aunt, just died. Her "aunt" was 92 and was better off dead 20 years ago. She did not even bother to speak one single word to anyone else at the party (excluding her boyfriend). No "Thanks for having us over" or anything to the hostess or anyone else. Just a worthless needy bitch crying in the kitchen when its supposed to be a time of celebration, and being a buzz kill, because no one was paying attention to her. Her mother should have taught her that its inappropriate to make a scene when you are a guest in someone elses home. I guess I have learned my lesson. You can call a turd a rose, but in the end it still smells like a turd. Sorry for the rant but the way I handle stress is to eliminate the people who cause the most of it from my life.