Stress=Better yield & potency


Well-Known Member
Idk maybe just of a lil theory of mines after reading alot about weed plants and going through my first grow is that to get the best smokable weed with the best taste, flavor, and power you have to stress your plant. Whether it be LST or super cropping, like they say and I have experienced, that weed plants are Hardy and bounce back quick. From lst to increase yeild aslo topping, FIM. Even splitting of the stem to increase tichromes and the amount of darkness and temperatures of water. So to me a weed plant produces the best stuff in the plant like THC understress because she is protecting herself and possible future seeds(but we make sure that don't happen ) which makes the plant produces the good stuff we like to smoke. Like right now my plant is in like week 3 of flowering, no topping, but I still bend , pull down branches, even accidently split my main stem in half like two inches from tied down branches, and my baby is still going strong looking good showed no slow down in growth after stem split. So to my point I think the more stress you give your plant in the right way the better your harvest. If you let your plant grow natrually then your plant has nothing to fight off, nothing to repair, no seeds to overprotect, which will produce way less good stuff to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Well like everything in life there is too much of a good thing, I know my last batch something went wrong in the last few weeks of flowering ( never figured out what it was that was doing it) so the plants were under a lot of stress and they were rubbish. So I'd say the odd bending a few branches and doing the main trunk split , but don't do too much.


Well-Known Member
Well like everything in life there is too much of a good thing, I know my last batch something went wrong in the last few weeks of flowering ( never figured out what it was that was doing it) so the plants were under a lot of stress and they were rubbish. So I'd say the odd bending a few branches and doing the main trunk split , but don't do too much.
O yea I done really stressing them after just split the stem which was on accident but I had already heard about people doing it on purpose so wasn't so worried. But I'm letting them ride out the rest of the way just makeing sure the canopy stay even and no good colas are been hidden with fan leafs.