Oh no, don't worry, these weren't Stray Fox gear plants. It all started with basically a bag seed I got from someone I know that grows then spread to my Bodhi and Useful plants. It looks like TMV but could be all sorts of different viruses like CMV, HMV, Tomato ringspot virus, Tobacco ringspot virus, or Tobacco streak virus.
While researching TMV I found conflicting info about if it affects cannabis or not. Articles and people on forums will say plants display these symptoms but there have been no positive test results for TMV in cannabis. How much of that is due to growers like me that don't have time or money to waste getting these plants tested and just toss them?
There was a study in 1971, Hartowicz et al. that screened 22 common plant viruses and found that over half of them were able to infect Cannabis, but only 8 actually caused symptoms. TMV was one of them and they found it indeed did infect cannabis but did not causes noticeable symptoms in the infected cultivar they tested, suggesting cannabis can be a carrier but is non symptomatic. So that conflicts with the claim it has never tested positive in cannabis before and it could be cultivar specific if it displays symptoms or not.
Sorry if I gave the impression that this was Stray Fox gear I was having problems with, I actually popped a couple Hollywood Skunk to replace some of the plants I lost.