Strawberry plants pollenate my babies?


Well-Known Member
the patato and marijuana plant was one at he very base of the stalk, however i do believe they was two diff plants

Mickey O'Neil

Active Member
i believe hops not barley. the other part of beer lol.

someone cross MJ and hops and make a MJ beer with it.....
Ya hops, I can't believe I wrote barley, I know better! Hops and MJ are very closely related, and it would be neat to see a cross of the two. I read somewhere that soon we'll be able to get regular plants to produce THC, like apples and actual strawberries, etc, using genetic engineering. It was in a science journal, not just some blogfucker.. or forum.
I have a few clones under an active pollinating bell pepper plant and I'll be dammed if the newly formed leaves look EXTREMELY odd...they look very similar to the shape of the pepper plants.