Strawberry haze???


Active Member
lol, i wouldnt class myself as a dealer, im just the grower:twisted: lol, when done i jus give it all to 1 person, its easier that way. less risk 2

i have always had enough for everyone though :mrgreen:, usually pushed out around 60-80oz evry 6weeks, well thats untill my missus left and had to move out, but what can i say shit happens
all is not lost though i will be back up and running after christmas YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i must admit though i am very suprised with the pinaple punch compared to the white widow, which people say is the better of the 2, but if grown right i would say i have had a better smoke from the pinaple!!!, taste, smell, yeild and ofcourse battered hahahaha

any1 agree???


Well-Known Member
im not been funny, but why would you blert out, that your growing so much, so soon. 2 posts:roll:.
the things people "used to do?:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:".


Active Member
Loving it...

Gutted about the garage situation!

Better than not at all though! Good luck & keep it up!



Well-Known Member
the bb are day 13 and the ajans.s.haze are day 15. there starting to grow out,now, im happy with them.asdf 001.jpg

asdf 004.jpg

asdf 008.jpg

asdf 012.jpg im happy so far with these, i thought they were a little slow, last week but there catching up now. roll on the scrog grow. cannot wait.


Well-Known Member
every one. seems fine, and are starting to grow, and branch out. when i put them in plastic coke bottles, some one said to paint the outside of the bottles, and over the last 2 days, i cud see lots of new roots growing, so ive put tape all round the bottles, so the lite cannot get to the roots. new pics.ttt 010.jpg

ttt 013.jpg

ttt 015.jpg

ttt 016.jpg


Well-Known Member
the 3 big bang and the 3 arjans strawberry haze are all doing fine, there getting used to the hps now, there not as littletrtrtr 002.jpg

trtrtr 005.jpg

trtrtr 013.jpg

trtrtr 015.jpg.


Well-Known Member
looking good crazy.....maybe a dumb Q? but is there a method to the madness of the tall pop bottles as it relates to root development and related above ground growth?


Well-Known Member
its an exp. the plastic bottles. for a sog. grow, so i cud, have longer taller pots, so i cud have more pot space. someone sugg. this to me on this site. but didnt tell me that i needed to cover the clear bottles. because roots dont like lite. so i have used d.tape to cover the plastic.


Well-Known Member I get it...yea I remember someone saying that about a space idea. yea you have to keep the roots from getting light for sure....awesome..I'll be watching.


Well-Known Member I get it...yea I remember someone saying that about a space idea. yea you have to keep the roots from getting light for sure....awesome..I'll be watching.
as am like i say, its an exp.?:blsmoke: the best way to learn. from your mistakes.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if they are fem.
no light leaks
get a timer
vegg on 24/0 then 24 hours darkness before 12/12 and when you get to 12/12 like i say get a timer cos fem seeds easy go hermie, so dont fuck up with your times.
have you ever grown fem b4?.
my plants ended up going hermie, 2 times and i killed them at 4 week 12/12.
i have smoked this strain only in amsterdam and it was sweet.
what lights are you using?
and are you going to topp?.