

Well-Known Member
How long does it take strawberries to grow from seed to harvest? Can i use bat guano and everything i do on my marjane plants on these plants?


Active Member
I know that they won't fruit the first year.
not to sure about everything else though.
I have tried to grow them but i didn't put up a fence around them, and in the second year i ran them over with the lawn mower.:joint:
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Active Member
How long does it take strawberries to grow from seed to harvest? Can i use bat guano and everything i do on my marjane plants on these plants?
It depends on what kind of strawberries you want to plant and if they are indoor/outdoor. Seasonal or everbearing (seasonal being you get fruit once a year, vs. EB which fruit 3x a year) are the two main kinds. Seasonal you plant in early spring after the frost (late march for me). I get my berry plants from a nursery or local grower, I dont even bother with seeds. I get everbearing and they fruit the same year they are planted. Seasonal, you will have to wait a year as they fruit in June, usually and they obviously need time to grow. I'm sorry I cannot give you a time frame with the seeds, I just don't bother with them. We like strawberries year round here :hump:.
But as far as organic material, strawberries love high levels of organic stuff. I use 10-10-10 fertilizer and that works well. Soil pH of 6.0-6.5 is best, but can be from 5.5-7. The season that your plants start to fruit, do not use any fertilizer (you can use fert. 8 months out of the year if seasonal). Your berries will be large, soft and almost tasteless. So just stop adding 2 months before they fruit. Light schedule should be 8 on 16 off yr. round. Thats the stuff that works for me, if you need help growing shoot me a pm and i can email you some other stuff thats more detailed if u need it. Just didn't wanna write a book, lol. They are easy to grow and easy to take care of.



Active Member
you really should not even bother with seed. most current strawberries are hybrids, every seed on that berry will be a different plant non of which will be like the parent or better. they will all suck. buy some crowns, they are cheap enough and will flower the first year. pull the flowers off, veg for the first year and let them flower the second year.