@ see4 ...I have read several different sets of Encyclopedias (The Zoological set, the Homeowners set, and the Set for Homesteaders- Britanica is boring ) But I read 2-3 books a week- often on Gardening, Cannabis, Biographies, History, and yes- some "just for fun"... besides-- I am an OLDER person-- if you are an obsessive reader like me, that means a SHITLOAD of books over the years- especially if you count all the textbooks from College (which I kept and have re-read some of).... I don't restrict my reading to magazines, online, or the newspaper... or to one-side of the sociopolitical spectrum... I TRY to see both sides... but it IS difficult to try to relate to people who almost WANT to alienate people from their point of view.
What armed men coming to our homes to take our guns????
Using this type of "they are coming to get you" propaganda is meant to inflict panic in those who believe everything they hear in order for them to blindly follow and increase the numbers on that side of this and ANY argument... too many sheeples.