strange white stuff? help please


Well-Known Member
1st. Found a leaf with weird brown spots? Maybe necrosis? I only found this on one single leaf. Pic below. If anyone has any idea chime in. I was thinkin maybe just burn spots from some neem oil that did dry up but I ono. Never seen anything like this

2nd. Found a few leaves with white spots on em. Almost looks like mildew but it looks like almost dried elmers glue. Some of the white spots are actually raised from the leaf so they feel like lil bumps. Some of the bigger spots like one in the pic below has lil tiny lil black dots inside the white spot. I checked and its not mites. This stuff is only on one plant and on the very bottom leaves. I trimmed off the real bads since they were barely gettin any light anyways. The leaves are also curled down and "tacoing" down towards the ground

here's the pics (sorry for shittty cell quality, still can't find cam charger)

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well, the pics are of shit quality. But if I had to hazard a guess I would say it's most likely Powdery Mildew.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are cell phone pics as I stated above. Can't find the camera charger. Tried my best to focus.

I've seen powder mildew a few times in person and it looked nothing like this. Maybe some kind of other mildew? My humidity doesn't get over 55 and temps stay below 80.

Edit: I just realized that I actually had much clearer pics but accidnetly posted the blurry ones. I deleted everything thought so when I get home ill try to take better pics if I can find another leaf with this shitt on it


Well-Known Member
Yes they are cell phone pics as I stated above. Can't find the camera charger. Tried my best to focus.

I've seen powder mildew a few times in person and it looked nothing like this. Maybe some kind of other mildew? My humidity doesn't get over 55 and temps stay below 80.
No one is gonna be able to say for sure until you can get a picture of it.


Active Member
Does the humidity get rlly high at night? Since you only found it on one leaf I would just watch the plants closely and keep humidity under 60%. If you can, put em out in the sun for a while it helps dry out mildew and mold I think..


Well-Known Member
ok couldnt find anymore leaves with that white stuff but if it comes back ill take better pics. but heres what i found. looks like nute burn or calcium def to me. these are the only 2 leaves that were like this

after doing some research i think those white spots might be from thrips. so hopefully this doesnt return cuz i just got rid of spider mites! gonna go pick up some pyrethrum spray tmrw just to be safe

(cell phone pics again so not best quality but better then the others)
