Strange white spots.


New Member
Hello everyone at the Rollitup forums.
First time grower here with some problems.
Recently my plants have started to develop white spots on the tops of the fan leaves, And I cannot figure out why that is.
If anyone has any info I would really appreciate the help.
Currently I have checked the plants for spider mites under a microscope, but have yet to find anything.
Could these problems be related to deficiencies?(Manganese,potassium,calcium? Or perhaps it is a pH fluctuation)
Plant specs: Lambs Bread
3 Gal. Pot Ffof Mixed with Perlite and happy frog.
Grown under CFL 16,200 Lumens/1025 Watts
No nutrients, Since its transplant into 3 .Gal pots 18 days ago.
Flipped to 12/12 on 6/14.
No exhaust Or ventilation systems. Only fans are to move air around.
In a ten square foot closet.
Thanks for the Advice. :)
IMG_9318.jpg IMG_9319.jpg IMG_9317.jpg


New Member
I tried rubbing it off of the plant but It still remained there.
Its not a powdery substance and It Looks like its internally in the leaves.
Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, only other thing I could find is maybe a copper deficiency or a bug problem. Websites listed Spider Mites and Thrips as leaving those white dots >.> is your girl an outdoor plant?


New Member
Rental, She is an indoor plant.
I Agree it looks like spider mites or thrips . But wouldn't I be able to see them under a microscope? I have been searching for them since I posted this, going through the process of checking leaves.
Ill look into Copper deficiency to see if that might be it.
Once again thank you.


New Member
Da Mann, She is about three inches away from the lights in most places.
In others she is as close as an inch away.
I have the plants so close because I'm growing under compact florescent lights and was under the impression that they only have a six to eight inch light reach.
haven't given any nutes since transplanting to current 3 gal pots on 6/14


Well-Known Member
Da Mann, She is about three inches away from the lights in most places.
In others she is as close as an inch away.
I have the plants so close because I'm growing under compact florescent lights and was under the impression that they only have a six to eight inch light reach.
haven't given any nutes since transplanting to current 3 gal pots on 6/14
Hmm im still new to this so take this with a grain of salt, but I would feed her. Its been 17 days since your last feeding session, and if the colors arent accompanied by bugs and eggs and whatnot id have to assume its something to do with nutrients. The lights being that close shouldnt cause too much trouble, if anything it would just cause your leaves to burn and shrivel.

Do you mist your plant while its under the lights? Water magnifies the light when its that close, so it could be a burn I suppose. Just an odd color for burns >.> usually they look more yellow/brown than white.

Id give her a half or a full feeding, whatever you were doing prior to the transplant. Then just watch her for a bit :) hopefully that will fix the problem. Keep an eye on her at the same time with your microscope though, ive heard it can be easy to miss spider mites if there arent a ton of them.