strange white "hairs" in my buds


New Member
A little bit of a newbie... I'm trimming right now and I keep coming across buds that have these strange white things in it. I know they aren't hairs cause the hairs are orange.I can't really describe it well and it was hard to get a picture



New Member
A little bit of a newbie... I'm trimming right now and I keep coming across buds that have these strange white things in it. I know they aren't hairs cause the hairs are orange.I can't really describe it well and it was hard to get a picture
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New Member
the picture is the white stuff on an actual bud, andwhat i already picked off it is in front of it. anyone have a clue what this could be?


New Member
Actually male parts is something we worried about, but you think everything else in the room is safe? seeings though it never got a chance to fully mature? We did have a little bit of a heat issue earlier a few weeks back in our flower but since then have gotten it under control.


Well-Known Member
Some varieties throw late male flowers more than others.
Keep your external stress to a minimum an pick them off as you see them.