Strange reveg and weird bumps (pics)

DSCN0945.jpgDSCN0958.jpgDSCN0959.jpgDSCN0960.jpgDSCN0946.jpgDSCN0950.jpgDSCN0952.jpgDSCN0956.jpgDSCN0957.jpgI have six plants, 3 Bannanna Kush, and 3 OG Sour. I am growing in an old camper, in soil in 3 gallon buckets, using foxfarm nutes, (the entire line) and producing C02 with fermenting whiskey mash. I live in colorado where we have been experincing record heat. I left town for three days during which time I blew a breaker that controled my A/C and fans but not my light. the result was at least 2 days of 140 degree temps in my grow room and 6 near dead plants. It took two weeks but suprisingly was able to bring them back to life, only looseing the growing tips. So theres the history, problem is now I have two plants that seem to be reveging and also have some strange bumps that seem to appear on the edges of the leaves first. All plants have recived the same treatment. Any Ideas what may be causing this and why its only happening to select plants? There are also some pics of the other plants for comparison.
140 F, and early trichromes usually start at the base of the leaves near bud sites, these are on the edges of the fan leaves mostly


Active Member
Just the plant trying to protect itself with defense from those blistering temperatures they experienced. Plants do funny things trying to survive!
Just the plant trying to protect itself with defense from those blistering temperatures they experienced. Plants do funny things trying to survive!
That I will agree with! I just dont understand why its happening with 2 of the 3 og sours. Why would something different happen with the same strain plants, same conditions, same treatments, and same stresses?


Well-Known Member
Just the plant trying to protect itself with defense from those blistering temperatures they experienced. Plants do funny things trying to survive!
My GF's outdoor grow same thing happened, started to flower looking good than we had twenty days of near to over 100 with no rain. Went right back to veg and all the buds that started died out.
My GF's outdoor grow same thing happened, started to flower looking good than we had twenty days of near to over 100 with no rain. Went right back to veg and all the buds that started died out.
did they start back up? the other 4 in my grow room just acted like I topped them. The growing tips dryed and died. When I was sure that they wouldnt come back, I cut them off. Did that on all 6 plants and the other 4 just redirected nutes to lower buds and kept on truckin. I think Im just going to move them out with my outdoor grow. they appear to be on about the same stage of growth.