STRANGE QUESTION -- Music and Dark Cycles, YOU DECIDE!!


Well-Known Member
So i've a question i'm curious about. It's widely thought that music helps a plant grow, I dunno if that applies to music played through speakers, or if it just involves you singing it to it yourself, and the CO2 from your breath hitting the plant is why they say it helps.

BUT, assuming that music through speakers IS used, WOULD it interrupt the plants rest during it's hard cycle.
For Example. During the 12 hours off, you set up a light-less Portable CD player, some little speakers, and leave it playing for 2 hours during the 12. Would that effect the dark cycle?
What if you played it for 6 of the 12 hours. Or even 12 of the 12 hours. My question is, has anyone done this, and if so, did it have a negative, positive, or negligible effects.

These are the kinds of things I sit around pondering in my spare time. And couldn't find much (or any) info on THIS exact question online or on this site. So I figured i'd just ask it outright! Let me know if anyone knows. Please no flaming... :-P

A Picture of a CD player, and a plant, playing in the dark ;-)




Well-Known Member
French physicist and musician Joel Sternheimer (around 1994) was neat though wasn't it?
the dude vanished like a fart in a strong breeze too.

oh the lulz if it really is so simple as key frequencies...maha


Well-Known Member
Plants prefer classical music (go figure) there is a thread about this in the advanced forum


Well-Known Member
my local classical station was taken over by mexicans and their horrible tuba umpah umpah umpahing
...and limewire got slapped.

aw man...i wish i knew of other means that avoided digging into my pocketbook


Active Member
Bittorrent Hmm looks like i will be putting together some classical music. Will probably help me sleep also...haha.
I've had mine on a steady diet of Zeppelin so far...gonna hit em with some Dead and Tom Petty eventually for more luck....figure if the hear the music I'll be listening to when I smoke em, they'll have the right kinda vibes all through their lives.


Well-Known Member
I've got two younguns, been thinking of playing "Blueberry Hill" and "L.A.Woman" to them prizes for guessing the strains though..


Well-Known Member
Since most of us use clones, we are in a good position to experiment. Once my grow is ticking along, I may have to pick one out and verbal abuse it, see how it fairs compared to her genetically identical sisters....Maybe an increase inpotency in it's efforts to chill me out!? :-P


Active Member
Try reading "The Secret Life of Plans"...not the one by Attenborough, the other one
He means 'The Secret Life of Plants'. The one by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, they also wrote 'Secrets of the Soil'.

Basically its about a collection of different experiments involving plant/human communication. It starts off with Clive Backster (a lie-detector examiner) hooking up a plant to a polygraph and noticing that it gave a reaction whenever it felt the presence of someone who had a intent to harm it. The rabbit hole begins there. Very insightful reading and will stimulate thoughts and possibilities you might have always felt intuitively but not given much credit to.

The experiment that I found fascinating is the one where he had a plant hooked up to the polygraph and he was about to break an egg and noticed the plant having a reaction. He decided to hook up the egg to the polygraph and it gave back readings like it was fertilized and that it had a heartbeat. This went on for hours. Since he knew it was a store bought egg and unfertilized, he decided to crack it open. Well, there was no evidence of any type of circulatory system at all.

For me, that made perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
I thought angry music effected them negatively, but at the same time, it could ALL be speculation and rumor, it would be VERY difficult to DEFINITIVELY prove that music helps a plant, let alone, which type of music works the best. I mean, even mythbusters did a version of this and it wasn't definitive proof....Since plants are SO unpredictable, it's hard to replicate results from a previous grow and have much of a measurable difference in any direction. Esp since the variables of the soil (or hydro) vary, as do the genetics of even the same strain of a plant. Altho, now that i've listed the requirements....I suppose it wouldn't be THAT difficult.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::cool:

Oh, and i've been playing Japanese Anime Themes. Mainly from Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, and a number of other sources from which i'm unaware of...But, it was just what HAPPENED to be in my Portable CD player when I set up some music for her. Although, since it's harvest day, rather then letting the CD play til it just turn off, and restarting it a couple hrs later. I've been letting it play on repeat. I wonder if it would like talk radio :-P


Active Member
I havn't tried this yet, but I will be. I have heard so much about this, apparently the plants also enjoy being spoken to. Its interesting to see some say classical music is best, that kinda makes sense, so maybe I will give that a go. I was going to buy one of those nature sounds machines, you know the ones that play a selection of ocean, beach, rainforest etc sounds. I may just mix up a combination of both styles.
I have no idea on wether it makes a difference if music is played during 'lights out time' I hadn't even thought about that until I read this, so hopefully someone can give the answer.

Al Dente

Obviously making live music with your plants beats recorded through a sound system. When you sing you make CO2. Electonics can't do that. Plants don't care how bad you sing, just get in there and sing your heart out.


Well-Known Member
I used to sing to my plant, I made up a song about her hairs turning red. But yea, thats was part of the opening statement.

Although, the ORIGINAL question, was does recorded music interrupt a plants dark cycle. I don't know if a lack of sound waves is vital to the plants ability to rest in a dark cycle.

little k

ok so music puts of vibrations that the plant can feel in the roots. which vibrations stimulate root growth. it doesnt matter what type of music you play its how much you play. during the dark period the plant sleeps well so do the roots there part of the plant to.