Strange Problems on some Young Plants


New Member
Thanks guys. Plant seems recovering hehe. I topped some of them. I see that not all cannabis can be topped, im sure there is there some WonderWoman and Bubblelicious that does not accept very well the topping. Plus i think there is also some NorthernLight AF/FEM that will not respond well to the toppping. I hope the next time i keep a better control over this, anyways im using some of those plants for experiments, like toppping/croppping/supercropping and see some results. Plants are growing much faster then before since put the B:W UFO back.. Thanks for your help again! Best Regards From CxxxA ;)

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Oxygen deficiency at night? Its nutrient burn mixed with a plethora of other problems. The info you provided sounds good, but, it does not show that you have all of those conditions you stated. It is definitely not a deficiency. I see nitrogen toxicity and that isn't just it. Listen to advice and try to understand that you may have made a mistake and it is not your plants fault

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
You only get negative pressure when it is hot? That makes absolutely no sense. Negative pressure is created when your extractor fan is pulling more air than you are supplying to the tent. Also what is an intractor? It seems like you are getting ahead of yourself on the skills you are trying to master. I would suggest reading a lot and doing things simple for now. You are complicating this too much for yourself and it seems your logic is not very correct at this point.


New Member
You only get negative pressure when it is hot? That makes absolutely no sense. Negative pressure is created when your extractor fan is pulling more air than you are supplying to the tent. Also what is an intractor? It seems like you are getting ahead of yourself on the skills you are trying to master. I would suggest reading a lot and doing things simple for now. You are complicating this too much for yourself and it seems your logic is not very correct at this point.
It is made in this way because need lot of fresh cold air to keep the tent on a normal temperature, i've tried also to keep it in negative pressure. Increase temperature, fresh air coming inside is not enough.

I deal with the smell with an ozonizer inside this room with the door closed. That also contribute to keep the room cold.

Plant after add inside more W:B spectrum.. started to recover. It was not the nutes, it was not a burn, it was not the ph, it was the Light for this stage. Since, as i said, there was no nutes extra added in THE SECOND WEEK OF THE PLANT!!!!!!

Extractor -> Takes out
Intractor -> Puts in

Same, but reverse side. Efficency is much higher when you put in instead of take out. With the light changes, all plants are developing and growing healthy. Will put some extra pictures soon their start to flowering.
This is how the tent looks now. Two lamps 300x3W/300(6x50 COB) output around 60.000LMX at 75cm.
2013-06-24 23.05.22.jpg2013-06-24 14.27.13.jpg
The plants that are at the right, are the plants we were talking about. I changed the pot of some them to higher 4gal (fill with earth till almost 3-3.5gals) 20/4H. CO2+ 1100-1200ppm.
I have also installed inside a small "ozonizer/filter" that works when plants are "sleeping". CO2 is only added when light is on.
Seems that now is all under control. Since i put this big new light, plants are stunning. I guess they are happy with this new light...
