strange problem.


Well-Known Member
the top of my main cola has started to dry out, almost crispy ?

it was fine yesterday, today its not, at the end of this week it will have had 12 full weeks in flower so ive started my flush, has anyone got any idea wtf is going ?

if lift my lamp too, but its air cooled, so shouldn't be a problem.

many thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
its a white widow, im seeing a tiny amount of amber, ill just flush and dry/cure.

ill grab a photo later, but to be honest you cant see from looking how it feels.


Well-Known Member
I have found with a few strains now that the top cola can finish earlier then the rest of the plant, i just chop whatever looks ready and let whatever dosn't go for longer.
Get her in some decent daylight and check the trichs all over her


Well-Known Member
the top cola is huge too, look...

she was named the leaning tower of weedza, LOL

so its ''okay'' to chop that whole top cola clean off you think ?



Well-Known Member
wow, ok i see where you got the name from, i also see the head is way too close to the light, even with an air cooled lamp it is still kicking some amount of heat out.
Like i said get her out, in some daylight and check her out properly, but yeh that head is gaurunteed to be ready before the rest of it as you can see how much light the lower buds are missing out on..


Well-Known Member
the last 2 grows i had was TOUCHING the glass, with ZERO heat issues. i also cant move the plant due to the sheer weight of the thing, lol

im unsure about chopping the main cola off too, but like i said i have raised the light already and increased the humidity.

ill keep a very close eye on here and continue the flush...

are you CERTAIN its ok to chop that cola off ???


Well-Known Member
If it's ready of course it's ok, it wont kill the plant the only way that will happen is by chopping at the start of the stem or ripping her up. The rest of her will continue to mature.

But by that picture i cant see for shit if it's ready or not.


Well-Known Member
well , im considering chopping that top cola off, and as i say, next thursday shes has a full 12 weeks, id say shes almost there.

just had an extra long look, and the top cola is VERY frosty indeed, im now starting to wonder if im even going to see too much more amber.


Well-Known Member
Did you flush her yet? she has a lot of green on the bottom which should be yellow right now unless my eyes are deceiving me.


Well-Known Member
ive started my flushing today, i think the lack of air circulation around that top cola has caused this problem, i just had a toke from the dry top cola, and to be honest, it scared me , LOL

am i ok to chop that top dry cola, and continue flushing the rest for a week ?


Active Member
Make sure it's not bud rot, But, I had something similar on my widows, I think it's a mag def "or micro nutrient def" causing the top spear leaves to die then dry out. This give the cola a dry feeling.

What do the hairs look like?


Well-Known Member
the last 2 grows i had was TOUCHING the glass, with ZERO heat issues
Thats because it was a cooler time of year, now youve flowered thru summer ,temps are higher and with the light so close with warm temps you have singed the buds. You still have to adjust to each season indoor.


Active Member
I had a similar issue...bud was crispy...i cut it open and to my horror it was filled with bud eating kidding rotton moldy scuz....better take a core


Well-Known Member
White Widow 12 weeks? That is a long time and she is huge! The white widow I had finished up 10 to 11 weeks. If the top cola is ready chop it off and bring the light closer, so the bottom buds can put on some more weight. White Widow hardly turns amber from my experiences. If most of the trichs are cloudy then it is ready! Can you take a closer picture of the cola so I can see the pistils?