Strange Phenomenon?


I took these two pics within the same minute, I don't think it can be related to weather since I am in So Cal, it was around 9 pm, temp was in the 70's, very low humidity. Took photos with my iPhone. Any thoughts or ideas on what this might be?

P.S. As far as I can tell, my trics are 10% clear, 70% milky, 15% amber and 5% dark amber. When I look at the 2 ready & 2 not ready I think I'm not ready. Obviously I'm a Newbie/First Timer. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
the sacred herb has brought forth not but an evil spirit but an orb of the higher realms. take heed for this orb is not but a messanger. Have caution as this orb is unknown in origin.


Active Member
that is a godly orb, it tells me that you need to send me all of that plant, or serious concequences!!!!

like losing the remote or running out of TP on the potty!



Some people say the orbs are spirits. Others say its a problem that occurs sometimes with digital camera's or phones. Somehow related to the flash. Depends on what you want to believe