Strange MJ cutting. Will it survive?


New Member
Hi guys!!
First off, this is my first post here and I'm from India.

So I found this MJ plant growing on a crack in the rocks just above the waterline in a river totally by chance.
I've ever heard of a plant growing like this so I plucked it carefully and got it home and have potted it last night.

At the moment, all the leaves are drooping so I'm assuming that this is "transplant shock" that the plant is going through.

I'm attaching some pics of the plant before I potted it and as it is now after potting.

Also, from the look of the leaves it seems to be a sativa variety when I've heard that in India and surrounding places we mainly find indica's.

So my questions are:-
1. ''NOOB QUESTION ALERT", This is actually a cannabis plant right? :p

2. Will it survive transplantation and what can I do to give it the best shot at survival?

3. Is it an Indica or a Sativa or maybe some mix?

Long post I know but would really appreciate if you guys could help me out.

Thanks!! :D



Well-Known Member
Yes it's the magic plant
Yes I could survive
Water lightly

I had a seedling lay completely, it took over a week for it to return to normal. It's kinda stunted now though. 6 nodes at 6 inches. Half the size of my best growers who are 7-8 nodes and 12-15 inches.


New Member
Any ideas how long it might take to recover? ATM only feeding it with water and indirect sunlight with no extra nutes or anything.


Well-Known Member
it should start to perk up within a few days. full recovery could be aweek plus.


New Member
@Merlot and Final Phase:- Thanks for the help guys. Will just have to wait and watch.
@ZoBudd:- There didn't seem to be much root mass in the first place. As I'd mentioned, it was growing on a vertical rockface just above waterline in a river, which I've never heard of before.

Oh yeah, I did add a little bit of rooting powder to the roots so hope that helps.


New Member
Looks like it's gotten worse in just a few hours. The bottom-most leaves have turned yellow and the poor thing looks like it's on it's last legs here. Does it normally get this bad and then recover?



New Member
Hmm, might as well experiment a bit with this one then. So I went ahead and cut off all the yellow and dead leaves off and have left only the topmost which still look green enough. Last night before potting I had it in a bottle of water and the whole plant seemed to be doing pretty fine. Should I put it back in the water now or just leave it potted?