strange leaves please help !!!

Hello Can anyone tell me why this uper leaves curling into themshelves from the sides ?
Thanks for any help!!!
5 weeks veg indoor growing.
Start from seedling feminized and transplant after 2 weeks.
4 white widow every one in 24 L container with soil all mix.
Temp 28.5 C humidity 75-80% but after this before 2 days lowered the
temp 26 C and humidity 55-60%.
Light fluorescent 5500k 5500 loumen and 6500k 3000 loumen = 8500 loumen 30 cm from the top.
Nutrients HESI 1/2 (ROOT COMPLEX AND SUPER VIT)from directions but whitout the TNT.
Added before 5 days iron (fe) 10ml in 10 L of water.
PH 6,5
KH i dont now.


Hello. This is my first post here, and I apologize for breaking the case. I was walking on the internet and I found your post, and seeing the pictures I could not resist answering.
Sorry, my english is very bad. Your problem is a little spider called Calepitrimerus vitis :
You can combat this spraying chemical acaricides like Prenteder (55% fenbutaestan). Dont use natural acaricides with this spider, because you loose your time.
This is your enemy:
Do not you see unless you use a 100x increase.
I've seen those crinkled leaves many times.
I hope you end up with those little bastards soon.

Grow mo

Active Member
Hello. This is my first post here, and I apologize for breaking the case. I was walking on the internet and I found your post, and seeing the pictures I could not resist answering.
Sorry, my english is very bad. Your problem is a little spider called Calepitrimerus vitis :
You can combat this spraying chemical acaricides like Prenteder (55% fenbutaestan). Dont use natural acaricides with this spider, because you loose your time.
This is your enemy:
Do not you see unless you use a 100x increase.
I've seen those crinkled leaves many times.
I hope you end up with those little bastards soon.
no idea what this guy is talking about, but im pretty sure hes wrong


Well-Known Member
Only heat stress
heat damage leafs by curling up
I really didnt c happened cause the spiders so


Active Member
it might just be a mutant fucked up leaf, either that or heat stress, but with other leaves in your pic being so close and not showing any of the same signs, i think not...

if any of that made any sense, good!


Hi friends.
You may think I'm crazy, but I know what I mean. This pest is widespread in Spain.
I have a grow shop for over 10 years and have seen this many times. What you have in the initial state, so you may save easily. I understand that you may believe that I dont know of which I speak, because it is hard to see the plague, and confused with many different problems.: Nutritional problems, problems with the substrate, problems of heat, pH, problems with the water .. .. I have seen many people go crazy with this pest, Until you finally see the plague
IIf those plants come into bloom with this problem, the buds dont have trichomes, pistils are short and almost black.
If I am right, the next thing will happen to your plant is that the new shoots will not grow and turning yellow. I hope not to be right, Although I'm sure 99%

Another time sorry for my bad english.


Well-Known Member
I had a plant doing that ,but it was close to transplant and soon as it seen new soil it percked up and looks very happy now.