Strange colour on leave


Well-Known Member
Need pics in natural light as cant really see the colour, what I can see though are the serated leaf edges curling up which is normally heat stress, what are your temps, RH, what light you running and how close, what your growing in etc, the more info you give the more chance of someone suggesting what's up

Mr green grinch

New Member
Need pics in natural light as cant really see the colour, what I can see though are the serated leaf edges curling up which is normally heat stress, what are your temps, RH, what light you running and how close, what your growing in etc, the more info you give the more chance of someone suggesting what's up
Day time temp is 22 degrees celcois and night time down to 16 humidity stays between 40-70% they are growing in a coco pebble mix and on half nutrients they are under a 600 watt lamp, they were started under 2foot 2 tube t5 . As they have been growing it's only the first 2/ maybe 3 sets of leaves that have this colouration the new sets of leaves don't seem to have it . Thank you for your help . This is my first grow



Well-Known Member
New growth doesnt look to bad maybe a little droopy, what is your PH and PPM? You should be running your Coco like hydro in terms of PH so between 5.8-6.1 is a good range, you should be feeding daily to runoff to avoid nutrient salt build up in the medium and dont let the pot sit in the runoff.

Edit, didn't notice the lines, so assume you dont have a salt buildup.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you just over fed them to start with but now your getting on top of it, just check your runoff PH and PPM every now and again to make sure the readings are close to your input values