kether noir
Well-Known Member
93Yeah, so hey Antichrist was just absolutely fucked.
Really, really fucked. Kinda artsy w/ some very twisted shit happening in certain scene's and um yeah.. i don't recommend to the squeamish that's for sure. lol
The first scene was brutally well-done. And the same for the rest..
Theres one scene whilst they're driving up to the woods and shit happens (i wont say what,lol) along to the music. freaked me the fuck out. ha
A Scanner darkly was so badass. great watch. def. worth it.
And i just saw Coraline the other day w/ a couple friends; definitely an odd kids movie. Didn't catch the whole movie though.. just the last half or so... lol
nice. it is a super fucked up movie....yet beautiful... i still dont know how i feel about it.

ill start working on a long list
93 93/93