Local state laws or exemptions do not apply here. The fact is that under federal law you would be looked at the same way. So i want to know what would bring about charges of intent to sell. would 2 plastic bags and a scale qualify as this? would 4 jars and a scale? would 2 jars and no scale? would 2 lbs in one jar and a scale?
Im not talking about just weight or plant pentaltys. Those are easily looked up by state or are stated on your medical card. The intent to sell thing doesnt seem to be defined and im certaintly not doing this. I dont want to be wrongly accused for somthing.
i disagree that "under federal law you would be looked at the same way"...that all depend on what court system you will be under...yes, under federal law and juristrictions can override certain state law, but if you were charged with the [/FONT]
[FONT="]"intent to sell"[/FONT][FONT="] under state law, then only state law apply....at least with state law you have certain protection concerning your issues and favorable court ruling (medical marijuana in this case)... if you were charge under federal law then its federal, which is much stricter and harsh if found guilty...the feds usually go after really large amount, cross state activities, mail, bluh bluh....so if you are a small fish then local state law should be important for you because under the new U.S Attorney General guildlines, federal agency are now focus on large and organized grow...

To answer your other question or just giving my 2 cent

many factor plays into this scenario with the intent to sell... however, most intent to sell cases (medical marijuana) have either been rejected or appealed by the appealate court..... anytime you are caught with a questionable amount with or without a scale, in general you will always be accused of doing an illegal activities... next step is court...but if you were a mmp patient then you have less hassle dealing with law enforcement (given the amount) and it might not lead you to court in the first place .. thats why i ask if you were a mmp card holder or
as such, because case law regarding medical and criminal marijuana differ...most likely you will have to defend yourself in court... if the situation was something like a few pounds, with a gun, lots of cash, and bluh bluh then most likely the juror will find you guilty given that there were other factors that played into this scenario....there isn't any specific thing that will charge you with the intent to sell (
except being caught exchanging cash or goods)... sometimes it can be a combination of things that the jurors find within their reasons to think the person has the intent to sell like the example i listed above....the important thing is not to get caught with
"exchange of cash"...Thats what intent to sell basically is... not the actually cash itself, but the exchanging between people.. although the word "intent to sell" is vague, the judge and jurors will define that for you...
Note: I hope this helps you or anyone else..if not then i probably didn't explain good enough

.....the amount range you listed should not cause you to worry too much: oh, when i said limitations, i wasn't just talking about plants...