I would avoid Eagle20 (or any ‎Myclobutanil product) like the plague. Yes the stuff works, but at what cost? That shit is a toxic systemic that has a half-life of 60-days, which means that it's not gone from the plant for long time. Get your environment in check and skip the ‎Myclobutanil. I mean, I guess if you have a near-extinct elite cut that you really really need to save from total extinction, it might be worth it, but even then I'd veg that clone out, and take a cuttng more than 2 months later, trash the mom, and veg out the new cut. Really though, tissue culture is the better option in that scenario.
A lot of people don’t realize that a small clone or even a teen will multiple in biomass by Potentially 1000’s of times by the time harvest comes. If you started off with a clone that has 100ppm of Eagle In it just by multiplying the biomass by 1000 times it will now only have 0.1ppm, then take into account the time that has gone by, well say 120 days so now it’s only 0.025ppm. I’m not saying it’s perfectly safe, but used when the plant is small isn’t a problem, all of your food is sprayed with it, if you at some point end up with cancer it’s not gonna be from the one time you sprayed your home grow, it’s gonna be from the lifetime of gmo foods you ate that are sprayed with pesticides and fungicides
Don't we all have hundreds of seed packs? We should all stop buying expensive clones and let these charlatans go bankrupt.
Anymore most of the newer cuts are just the same thing over and over with new foodie names. Also a great deal of the new new cuts are just ploys to get others to glorify someone else's random cross or bag seed. Gg4 wasn't meant to be a whore setting example of the overhyped and it set the bar for the first clone only to be readily available thanks to kindness and not some ploy. It was a lot better back in the day when most cuts were shared anonymously due to the nature of the laws and all that. Different world now for a majority of the country and anyone who has Cash can buy in finding almost everything has a price tag.

Sadly as well, many of them cuts off of Strainly cost a hella lot more than just the asking dollar. Nine out of ten suppliers are gonna send you some sort of issue and there's more than enough example here in this thread.

I never bought a clone for over twenty years and I was always given them and did the same in return. Still have a great circle that shares a lot more nowadays then ever. Yet I had to do the Strainly thing as well and I don't regret it but it was just a lot of work to get just about everything I did purchase back to health. Often even when the cuts look good there's issues lurking around the corner and it is not growrs error on my end. That's elementary school stuff and the majority of the people selling a list of things can't keep even one plant truly dialed in and disease and pest free let alone a few dozen different cuts
A lot of people don’t realize that a small clone or even a teen will multiple in biomass by Potentially 1000’s of times by the time harvest comes. If you started off with a clone that has 100ppm of Eagle In it just by multiplying the biomass by 1000 times it will now only have 0.1ppm, then take into account the time that has gone by, well say 120 days so now it’s only 0.025ppm. I’m not saying it’s perfectly safe, but used when the plant is small isn’t a problem, all of your food is sprayed with it, if you at some point end up with cancer it’s not gonna be from the one time you sprayed your home grow, it’s gonna be from the lifetime of gmo foods you ate that are sprayed with pesticides and fungicides
You have fun drinking your cocktails of eagle20 and round-up. I buy mostly organic and gmo free food. I've even been buying organic beer lately to avoid that shit. Justifying use of it like you did in this post only contributes to the problem.
I understand peoples assurance with what Eagle20 does as far as taking care of issues but it does leave a little grey area. I always can find something more organic leaning though to deal with any issues. Pyrethrin, Sulfur, Azamax even Potassium bicarbonate would work pretty well. All great for preventative as stand alones. If ever an issue pops up they work really well when you alternate them.

I know a lot of people have their routine of dunking a clone right when they get it to ensure it doesn't bring anything in but I personally like to put any cut I get in to quarantine without doing anything to it. This way I am not masking it for a week or two. I can observe it over the next few days and see if anything pops up. Then before you enter it in to your main garden a dunk can be beneficial. Just some advice. Everyone has their own ways of bringing in cuts.
PM is an environmental issue majority of the time.
My understanding of PM is the spores are everywhere. I see people say so n so sent me clones with PM and that just don’t make since from the research I’ve done. I’m no expert but from what little I’ve studied the subject the spores are already present it’s the environmental issues that cause those spores to grow. The mailers and clone shippers just like a humidity dome are the perfect environment for spores to grow but once you introduce the plant to your environment with fans, dehumidifiers and plenty of air movement that should eliminate the growth. I’m sure different regions are worse than others, I’m in the southeast US and I don’t see it much here. I have seen what I think was PM on outdoor plants(rarely) and I say “I think” because all that remains is a bird shit looking stain, if that makes sense, best way I can describe it. No velvety powdered donut look so I think the environment changed and it went away. So I think we ALL have it, I don’t think one vendor has it and others don’t. I think it’s like a seed, it’s dormant till you throw it in some wet or damp soil then it grows. But I’m all ears if someone has evidence otherwise.
My bad. I wasn't referring to the rest of your veg, just the plant in question.

That's why I said it could have happened before you even got it. It takes about 3 weeks to a month for the overfeeding to result in possible PM. It's always gonna be on older growth. Around when the feeding happened that growth stored extra nitrates in the leaves.

You'll get it righted, I'm sure.

I'll look for the clip where a consultant explains why PM pops up and you can send it to the dude with your $500.

Go to about the 53 minute mark. He lays it all out pretty well.
Clone trader, make it a org and let only those who survived the torture of Strainlys clone pimps in and it will be golden. Even without the cocaine and the rest. No bugs,no sick cuts and everyone gets lot's of roots and cuts max out at a bill tops - that should be for teens.
Clone trader, make it a org and let only those who survived the torture of Strainlys clone pimps in and it will be golden. Even without the cocaine and the rest. No bugs,no sick cuts and everyone gets lot's of roots and cuts max out at a bill tops - that should be for teens.
I'm in. My heart doesn't like stimulants anymore, anyway. Here's some cuttings I just took.


I'm in. My heart doesn't like stimulants anymore, anyway. Here's some cuttings I just took.

View attachment 4940152

View attachment 4940153
Get in there and start listing them on Strainly. More competition only makes for better quality as well as better pricing. The beauty of a free market. I would have more posts up there myself if it wasn't for Strainly constantly rejecting them now a days for some reason :?
You have fun drinking your cocktails of eagle20 and round-up. I buy mostly organic and gmo free food. I've even been buying organic beer lately to avoid that shit. Justifying use of it like you did in this post only contributes to the problem.
I don't drink it but I get it though.. it's hard for you the fathom how small parts per billion are.. The cell phone in your pocket or your microwave is more harmful...
Get in there and start listing them on Strainly. More competition only makes for better quality as well as better pricing. The beauty of a free market. I would have more posts up there myself if it wasn't for Strainly constantly rejecting them now a days for some reason :?
I may list some soon. I've also considered a banner ad here. I saw that you said your Strainly ads aren't posting except for SFV. Sounds like it could just be a website error to me. Have they said anything about it? Your prices are reasonable and you have a good rep, so I don't see why they would mess with your ads on purpose, but anything is possible.

I'm sick of these T5 bulbs crapping out, I'm buying some more $39 LED's on Amazon.
I don't drink it but I get it though.. it's hard for you the fathom how small parts per billion are.. The cell phone in your pocket or your microwave is more harmful...
As someone who may be vending cuts to others who grow 100% organic and market their own products that way it is better practice in my opinion. If the grower themselves want to be nuclear that is their own choice. I have never heard anyone market (non organic) as positive now a days. Also god forbid they grew under regulations and after their yield was done it tested for chemicals they didn't know because their clone distributor didn't disclose. Just more ethical in my opinion.
I may list some soon. I've also considered a banner ad here. I saw that you said your Strainly ads aren't posting except for SFV. Sounds like it could just be a website error to me. Have they said anything about it? Your prices are reasonable and you have a good rep, so I don't see why they would mess with your ads on purpose, but anything is possible.

I'm sick of these T5 bulbs crapping out, I'm buying some more $39 LED's on Amazon.
No clue. Maybe they don't like that I took a break for a couple weeks. Maybe because I am on the "Preservationist plan" hahaha
As someone who may be vending cuts to others who grow 100% organic and market their own products that way it is better practice in my opinion. If the grower themselves want to be nuclear that is their own choice. I have never heard anyone market (non organic) as positive now a days. Also god forbid they grew under regulations and after their yield was done it tested for chemicals they didn't know because their clone distributor didn't disclose. Just more ethical in my opinion.
You can even make your clones 100% organically with the Clackamas Coots method. The recipe per gallon of water is:
0.3 grams aloe vera flakes
30 ml fulvic acid such as Ful Power
5 ml silica

You're supposed to soak your root cubes and cuttings in this, and spray the cuttings with it. The only thing is, I don't really like spraying clones because there's more chance for mold and PM in your trays. Also the silica makes the pH high so you might want to pH it down. I'm just using Dip n' Grow and Radix right now, but I do like using the aloe/fulvic/silica formula for dipping clones in once they start showing roots, makes them really take off.

I don't know what to say about Strainly, seems like they would say something on the matter if you inquired. Lame. Maybe I'll buy a PCG Runtz cut from you soon.