anybody know of a good strain to grow for high blood pressure?:?:
racerboy71 bud bootlegger Oct 30, 2009 #5 i think i have read that subcools tga is good for bad days and stress.. not sure if this means high blood pressure or not.. but i would check it out..
i think i have read that subcools tga is good for bad days and stress.. not sure if this means high blood pressure or not.. but i would check it out..
racerboy71 bud bootlegger Oct 30, 2009 #6 oppps.. my bad.. just listed the breeder.. tga subcool, but forgot to say the strain.. my bad.. subcools jillybean. sorry about that..
oppps.. my bad.. just listed the breeder.. tga subcool, but forgot to say the strain.. my bad.. subcools jillybean. sorry about that..
racerboy71 bud bootlegger Oct 30, 2009 #7 i just googled it and found a website listing all the medical properties for some strains of weed.. it listed skunk nl as being very good for high blood pressure.. lots of good info on the site for med patients
i just googled it and found a website listing all the medical properties for some strains of weed.. it listed skunk nl as being very good for high blood pressure.. lots of good info on the site for med patients