Strain Suggestions, Wraps and Medical Usage


Hello, how are all of you? I just made an account (assuming the post I am making should be here) and I need some serious help. So here is the problem:
Should I smoke marijuana with Severe Anxiety, Paranoia, ADHD, OCD, Moderate-Severe Depression, Moderate-Severe PTSD, Wrist Pain/Arthritis, Insomnia, Asthma, Panic Disorder and for recreational uses(I'm sure there are more I can list, but I really can't remember right now)? I have experienced extremely bad panic attacks and racing heart while on some strains of marijuana, but they usually go away. Now, mind you, I have NEVER smoked marijuana in a familiar or environment where I have felt 100% secure, except with my Aunt, and this was the strongest weed I ever smoked(The EXTREMELY bad panic attacks I had with her may have just been because of the awkwardness of me before asking her to hook me up with weed after she thought I was against it, which I was for a long time and the fact it is my fucking aunt haha, very weird). These places include: Abandoned garages, alleys, and other places I really cannot mention(unless need be). I honestly love marijuana, and the effects it induces. So these are all of my problems, now for the things I would like it to cure from highest to lowest from the list above(I know it will not cure it COMPLETELY, I am also in therapy on top of it, and understand my problems and deal with them not just running away from them):
1. Severe Anxiety 2. Panic Disorder 3. HORRIBLE Stress(I didn't list stress above because I am too lazy too add it, keep note, I AM VERY LAZY but will work the skin off of my bones if it means that my family and I will be safe) 4. Insomnia 5. Moderate-Severe Depression 6. Paranoia 7. Moderate-Severe PTSD 8. Wrist Pain/Arthritis 9. ADHD(the rest are optional and not NEEDED, but would make my life even better if weed did in fact help)

I of course like it to go hang out with friends, recreational is a big part and I love the way it makes me feel and the some strains as if I am unstoppable and the most creative person.

So, what strain is good for me(if I should smoke weed) and here is some more additional info to tell more about me and how the weed and personality correlation could come into place.

So, my name is Aden and I am 18 and a very shy person. I was always a very anxious person, with extreme PTSD at a younger age, but now it doesn't affect me nearly as much. My father was abusive, almost killed my mother, my dog I was very connected to at a young age died before my eyes by a car, I was bullied as a young kid(Like 6th grade and below, then puberty came into place and I was taller and bigger than like 80% of my peers), grew up in a black community, so I was often discriminated and pointed out in other white families/school that saw me as a "wannabe" or "hoodlum" because my friends are mostly black and was raised in the projects/ghetto almost my entire life, and moved around nearly 9 times to different places before the age of 14. I love football, video games, Movies, going to the gym, relaxing(smoking weed lol), and a very adventurous at times and will sometimes try things you would never expect me to do. I have trouble with large crowds though, that gets me very anxious. I pretty much am a loner haha, except for the few friends I have met online and have eventually got a lot closer then I would ever be with IRL friends, and that has made me who I am today. I had a couple girlfriends in my years(and friends lol), but lost due to moving around so I couldn't ever keep a steady relationship with ANYONE, hence the online friends I made. Well, I could say a lot more, but thats a small chunk of my life and possibly will help you out with the main subjects today being in which should I smoke weed and what strain. Thanks for reading, this is A LOT, sorry haha, but it was a lot to vent out. P.S. I am sorry for any grammar mistakes as I am really sleepy, slightly buzzed, and really panicky right now in what everyone will think of me from the Bible-like thread I just typed up xD. Smoke up ;)