Strain Identity?


Active Member
Hi to all,
I just planted a few seeds from a great bag of weed i got. they sprouted within a day after I put then in soil. they have very dark purple stems as well as purple edges to the first little set of leaves.
any thoughts?


Active Member
Ive had purple stems from bagseed before its nothing uncommon. if its a purple strain ex.purple kush then you should know because your buds you had and likely smoked by now would have purple leafy/ resin gland parts. By the sounds of it if your early in the grow you wont have signs or even traces of colour. Atleast not now. If you have the capabilities to post pictures that can help out as well as when we can tell if its a indica,sativa or cross it can aid in identification as strains can be eliminated.

I hope this helps you out. :)


Active Member
Ive had purple stems from bagseed before its nothing uncommon. if its a purple strain ex.purple kush then you should know because your buds you had and likely smoked by now would have purple leafy/ resin gland parts. By the sounds of it if your early in the grow you wont have signs or even traces of colour. Atleast not now. If you have the capabilities to post pictures that can help out as well as when we can tell if its a indica,sativa or cross it can aid in identification as strains can be eliminated.

I hope this helps you out. :)
Thanks man I will post pics in a few min.


Active Member
Thats noting unsual its happened to me a few times. the starter leafs you have there look a little yellow, if its not the picture they could be a little dried out. try a less intense light (heat wise) or a humididy dome or even water a little bit more.

It's nothing to worry about, looks A O.K. to me :P