strain best suited for dimensia


Active Member
Hey peeps my grandfather is very ill and has advanced stage dimentia. I was hoping to medicate him. Researchers have shown cannabis to actually slow down the progression of the disease and regenerate healthy brain cells.

Does anyone have a strain recommendation.


Well-Known Member
I been watching for 1 for diabetes,check down there in medical section,click on the med word scroll down,I almost missed it.


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps my grandfather is very ill and has advanced stage dimentia. I was hoping to medicate him. Researchers have shown cannabis to actually slow down the progression of the disease and regenerate healthy brain cells.
"Dementia", and I see a number of potentially serious problems with your premise.

First of all, dementia is a clinical syndrome, there multiple different kinds/causes, and they may not all respond to the same treatment. What KIND of dementia does your grandfather have? Alzheimers? Multiple infarct dementia? Unknown?

While I don't doubt that cannabis could potentially help with some of the symptoms of dementia (eg agitation, spasticity, etc) I'm fairly skeptical about claims that its going to regenerate brain cells or meaningfully alter the course of the disease. So far as I know there is zero clinical evidence that cannabis therapy alters the course of dementia in human beings.

Evidence of efficacy aside, lets get down to brass tacks. What exactly is your plan here? You're going to teach gran-dad to smoke weed?

Is he even willing to do that? How about physically able to do it safely and consistently? Is there a physical place where he can do it safely? Does he have a card? Do YOU have a card? Are your parents OK with this? How about your GD's doctors and/or other caretakers?

If these things aren't true, you're probably done before you started. Not only can you potentially hurt your GF here, but if everyone isn't on board with you, you could potentially get yourself AND your grandfather into a gigantic heap of trouble. If you're thinking about the equivalent of dosing your GD with pot brownies without anyone's knowledge, that's not just a "little" bit irresponsible, but highly illegal, and potentially dangerous, too. DO NOT do this.

Yes, cannabis is "non-toxic", but that doesn't mean its "harmless" or without side effects. One typical side effect of cannabis therapy is tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and to someone with heart or cardiovascular issues, this could cause SERIOUS problems. Anxiety is another potential side effect, and again, in someone already prone to it (eg someone with dementia) that could also be problematic. Smoking anything is potentially going to cause respiratory issues, and in an older demented person, these could be devastating.

Since you didn't mention what OTHER conditions your grandfather might have other than dementia (eg does he have cardiovascular disease or arrythmia? How about pulmonary issues?) that's another good reason not to just proceed. There really is potential to do harm with this, and I don't think you, your GrFa, or anyone else would be very happy if your intended therapy triggered a trip to the hospital, or worse.

Does anyone have a strain recommendation.
Here's where I'd say cite the studies you think support this proposed therapy. If you can't do that, maybe you need to do a little more homework here, first.

The real issue is, which cannabinoid(s) are supposedly providing the benefit here? If its just THC, then any THC rich strain would work. If its CBD, then you'll want one of the purpose bred CBD strains, like harlequin, cannatonic, sour Tsunami, etc.

Assuming you are actually in a position to proceed here, depending on how "with it" your grandfather is, and which symptom(s) you're trying to address, you might just try different things to see empirically which works best. As a general rule, you'd want to start with absolutely MINIMAL dosing, and SLOWLY work your way up.

But again, I don't think that's possible or practical unless a number of others are on board with you. Assuming you are in a place where what you propose is legal, consultation with your GF's physician would be smart.


Active Member
He has Alz and prostate cancer, however he beat the prostate cancer and has to go in to the doc every 3 months for a shot to keep it at bay. My grams is at the moment stage 4 ovarian and whe have a feeling its spreading, but she refuses to go and have anymore testing or biopsy. She is willing to vape and edibles. He has no idea whats going on and cant remember what he said 1 min earlier or who any of us are. We (myself and family) are their caretakers and we are with them daily. I do have a medical card. My grandparents are in the process of setting up in home hospice care for my grandma. She was given 2 weeks to 2 months to live. This was 1 week ago. I just want to make her and him as comfortable as possible, and the family has witnessed first hand what cannabis has done for my health problems and are believers now. You are right about consulting my gramps doc first, I think that's the best thing to do. I did not have any idea that cannabis could potential cause problems for some with certain ailments. Thank you for the advise. RIU needs more members like you.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you mostly have your ducks in a row here.

The big issue here is risk and consent.

For example, you can decide for yourself if cannabis is helping you, and moderate your use accordingly. Your grandma is an adult and she can decide for herself if she wants to use cannabis therapy, how often, which way, and if it helps. Your grandfather is different; it sounds like he isn't able to give consent. . .so others have to make the decision for him.

Also, as a matter of practice, if he's so demented that he doesn't really know what's going on anymore, he's probably not a good candidate for smoking (anything) or probably even vaping. If he even can use cannabis at all, its probably going to be edibles.

Again, I wouldn't really expect cannabis to reverse your GFs dementia. . .even if cannabis did have mild effect that way, its probably too late for that. But there may be different types of symptomatic benefits, and I think talking this over with a sympathetic doctor is probably smartest.


Active Member
The new science is in non psyco active raw cannabis juice.

Juicing raw cannabis leaf will allow your body to take in 600-1000mg of medication. That is non psyco active.

There are several videos about this on you tube. A few doctors are specialist in this field.

Search google or youtube: Juicing raw cannabis

You wont be disappointed.


Active Member
Excellent info. I have seen a few tube vids on it. I was definitely considering juicing not just for the medical aspect, but also antioxidants and vitamins and minerals a good healthy organic grow would have.