Strain- and sex-identification and questions concerning pruning.

Hello outthere

I began this first time adventure of growing cannabis around 4 weeks ago. My friend had gotten the seeds, but no info on what kind of strain it is! However, i think it's somekind of sativa, since its quite stretchy, and the fingers are thin, long and lightish green.

Sex identification: Two of my 6 plants are noticably more odorous. The same two plants also have wider leaves and have longer and more stipules than the rest - hence i believe they are girls, but i'm not sure. How long should i wait to be completely sure? I don't want to throw away potential yield.


I don't want to make a big fuzz and invest in light, ventilation, hydroponics or the like. It's simply grown indoors in natural soil with natural sunlight. I admit, the smell is getting kinda conspicuous, and i'm growing paranoid that my neighbours might smell it. However, i do want to try to get the best of it using pruning techniques such as LST, FIM, topping and supercropping and maybe monstercropping. - i just dont know which and when.

first let me try to explain what my understanding of those mentioned techniques is:
LST: Bending the main stem (quite early) below the top leaves to increase the light on the lower parts.
FIM: Taking the top "leaf-bud" 3/4 off, resulting in the generation of 2+ "main-stems"
Topping: Taking the main-stem off, producing two new stems.
Supercropping: Bending / Twisting the stem untill it nearly breaks - as it heals, the plant will invest more energy on the lower parts, generating a thicker growth.
Monstercropping: Basicly, taking a clone after the plant has gone into the flowering period.

Since i use natural light i see no reason to use LST, since the light (from the sun) comes with an incident angle. I think fimming is the most interesting technique... I'd prefer the plant to be bushy, with more stems, rather than too tall, due to space-issues. I think i'll try using the techniques on one plant, and let the other grow naturally.

So what do you think? I'd say the two right ones are girls.

still a little early to identify. Personally, I like topping and/or LST but I haven't tried FIM yet.

I just don't want to set the plant too much back, so maybe i should LST and FIM it. (The two least stressing techniques?)

When should i start the LST and Fimming?