Straight up nazi ss in america


Well-Known Member
If you watch these types of videos you will notice alot of the DHS officers are hispanic. checkpointusa has like 10 videos lol.


Well-Known Member
if they hire mexicans they cant read the constitution to know they are violating the fourth amendment . the 9th and tenth as well.
ANYONE who violates the freedom of others in such nazi like tactics should forfeit their lifes.


Well-Known Member
people need to start suing the fuck out of the border patrol, and raise awareness of this bullshit.. granted its not nazi germany, but its step one.. conditioning.

its just like the old saying goes, if you drop a frog into boiling hot water, he will jump out and freak out.

however, if you put the frog in the water, and slowly bring it to a boil, the frog will get cooked without even knowing the difference


Well-Known Member
dude with the camera was "taunting".
ya and you could tell that the officer clearly knew that the guy with the camera knew what was up.. you can youtube the pastor that got beaten, tazed, glass shoved in his face n all kinds of shit traveling the same road.. cameras are one of the few things that keep these mother fuckers on the straight n narrow


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Were I used to work we were court mandated to video tape everything. The level of professionalism shot through the roof.

What is needed is a good lawsuit. that is all that would be required to fix this. But the courts will probably back the Border Patrol. I know these guys are doing what they have been trained to do. It is policy for them, someone needs to challenge this legally. ACLU should have done it by now.


Well-Known Member
ya and you could tell that the officer clearly knew that the guy with the camera knew what was up.. you can youtube the pastor that got beaten, tazed, glass shoved in his face n all kinds of shit traveling the same road.. cameras are one of the few things that keep these mother fuckers on the straight n narrow
could have just handed him his ID. they got it in the end anyways. didn't they? how do you know this dude didn't get a bum search? they shut the camera off. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong in this video, did I miss something?
I doubt this video is even real, based on the topic.
the cop took questions and answered them for 5 mins to a subject that fled a check point?
wheres the nazi part?
(beatin the guy holdin the cam, without saying a word.
raping the driver and stealing the cam so they have no proff.)
a far cry from any gestapo tactics.


New Member
Although I don't agree with innocents being extracted from their cars, or being stopped for no apparent reason, this guy was a complete asshole. If he had nothing to hide, he should have cooperated. The more he resisted, the more suspicious he became. I can't believe the officer had the patience he had. The citizen was doing nothing wrong, (in my estimation), but I can see where the officer may have suspected some wrong doing. I'd like to see where this would come down in a court of law. With the new homeland security rules and regulations, I believe these officers have an unparalleled amount of power. BTW, the citizen was following my set of Rules for being stopped, sans the camera. Had this of been a regular cop, that window would have been broken and the dude drug out through the broken glass within seconds of the initial confrontation.


Well-Known Member
How do you people not see they clearly violated that guys rights?
At about 22:50 they ask if hes
1) the cop gave reason WHY subject was pulled over from the start.
2) the subject stated its a somekind of mistake.(he thought he was waved by, when infact he was waved over)
3)subject did not comply with officers orders.
4) the police officer has the right of self protection; subjects need to be searched for weapons when detained, thats protocol 101.


New Member
How do you people not see they clearly violated that guys rights?
At about 22:50 they ask if hes
I guess "you" are labeling me a "you people". In the greater scheme of things, yes his personal rights to search and siezure were being violated, If he were in fact a "citizen". In this case, it hadn't been established yet whether this "citizen" was a "citizen" or not. So, ipso-facto, this may or may not have been a violation of his civil rights, since citizenship had not yet been established, We don't afford those rights to non-citizens, correct? Although, how do you propose to end smuggling and drug running if all the citizen in question has to do is refuse to allow searches. A lot of illegals are caught in Ca. at the immigration check point on the freeway between San Diego and LA. I, like many of "Citizens" do not like checkpoints, and I can see where most potheads would dislike them, especially if Pot is deemed illegal at the point of inspection. What "you people", "potheads", seem to forget, most non drug taking citizens find these checkpoints little more than inconveniences. We are not paranoid about being found out. I see these checkpoints as no more than a pain in the ass. I don't like them, but if they prove to deter smugglers and terrrorists, then so be it. Now "you people" can keep squawking about your "rights" all day long. Let's be real, you are afraid the "man" will find some pot in your vehicle, right?


Well-Known Member
I guess "you" are labeling me a "you people". In the greater scheme of things, yes his personal rights to search and siezure were being violated, If he were in fact a "citizen". In this case, it hadn't been established yet whether this "citizen" was a "citizen" or not. So, ipso-facto, this may or may not have been a violation of his civil rights, since citizenship had not yet been established, We don't afford those rights to non-citizens, correct? Although, how do you propose to end smuggling and drug running if all the citizen in question has to do is refuse to allow searches. A lot of illegals are caught in Ca. at the immigration check point on the freeway between San Diego and LA. I, like many of "Citizens" do not like checkpoints, and I can see where most potheads would dislike them, especially if Pot is deemed illegal at the point of inspection. What "you people", "potheads", seem to forget, most non drug taking citizens find these checkpoints little more than inconveniences. We are not paranoid about being found out. I see these checkpoints as no more than a pain in the ass. I don't like them, but if they prove to deter smugglers and terrrorists, then so be it. Now "you people" can keep squawking about your "rights" all day long. Let's be real, you are afraid the "man" will find some pot in your vehicle, right?
i agree with you and i smoke pot. where's that leave me? ;-)