Drop That Sound
Well-Known Member
So yeah, my bad. Its only sterile while still protected inside the trees. Once introduced into the environment though, then it immediately picks up microbes from the air and the collection equipment, etc. Which is exactly why you should at least use a still air box when using seed rescue kits and opening the test tubes.
Even if you boil the collected sap to kill anything off soon, the quality of the syrup will still be altered from the inevitable microbial activity (good or bad) to some extent, no matter how its obtained. Is that right?
I'm sure it has to be possible to do a direct plant to plant sugar transfusion though, without introducing the raw unfiltered & processed sap to the environment in anyway. Like, you could do it between 2 tissue culture plants growing in a sterile container, by performing a very sterile & precise in vitro operation in front of a laminar fan filter unit. Maybe then you could somehow alter a cannabis plants taste or fragrance by injecting the other live plants sugars into it. I dunno, but I'll keep dreaming that its possible anyway.

Even if you boil the collected sap to kill anything off soon, the quality of the syrup will still be altered from the inevitable microbial activity (good or bad) to some extent, no matter how its obtained. Is that right?
I'm sure it has to be possible to do a direct plant to plant sugar transfusion though, without introducing the raw unfiltered & processed sap to the environment in anyway. Like, you could do it between 2 tissue culture plants growing in a sterile container, by performing a very sterile & precise in vitro operation in front of a laminar fan filter unit. Maybe then you could somehow alter a cannabis plants taste or fragrance by injecting the other live plants sugars into it. I dunno, but I'll keep dreaming that its possible anyway.