Storing real piss for DT


Active Member
:?: Question, can you store real (clean) urine if stored in an airtight and sealed mylar bag for a DT or will it immediately get rank and fail? Thanks

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
It should stay good unless contaminated.

When I was on probation I had clean piss stashed for months.

Starts to smell different after a month or two but should retain the same chemical properties.
i dunno man...thats a stretch. most drug tests now days have a thermometer on the card thing they stick into the piss cup
so unless you have a warming device you might be screwed. you could always get a "quick fix" kit. it comes with a little eye
dropper style bottle and hand warmer with a fake piss mix that looks and smells like it. myself and everyone i know has used this for
job drug tests and i know one person who used it for probation drug tests numerous times and passed with flying colors.
they sell them for 15-20 $ in most smoke shops.